Player 1 |
#player1 Mark_Edward_Owens Mark Edward Owens
#player2 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
>Mark_Edward_Owens: IO 8G OI +4 4
>Ryan_Fischer: ?ADDHIY G6 HY.ID +17 17
#note Spent a while, but it'd take me forever and a day to find HYDATID. :) I played HYOID to bingo faster and perhaps get some equity out of the -S hook which doesn't look like it should be. Sacrifices points but limits his options too. Surprised it doesn't do better.
>Mark_Edward_Owens: ABEIMRS F5 BAM +23 27
#note Told me his rack here. He didn't know the hook.
>Ryan_Fischer: ?ADEEMP 10G .AMPErED +73 90
#note This rack looks aaaaawfully familiar (think PREARMED from a couple games ago). Thisz bogus. DAMPER is a noun. Haha. DAMPENED and DECAMPED are good though.
>Mark_Edward_Owens: ?EIRSTU K4 RETInU.S +78 105
#note If you know HYOIDS, there are several 101-point bingos along row 11!
>Ryan_Fischer: CDKOUVW 4J V.OUW +22 112
#note 8J U(n)DOCK 42 (coming up for the 2nd time this tourney as well!).
>Mark_Edward_Owens: IQ J7 QI +23 128
>Ryan_Fischer: CDEKNSU O4 SUCKED +55 167
#note I was wondering about the 8s with this rack. There are two: UNCASKED is good! I was wondering! As is SUNDECKS. :)
>Mark_Edward_Owens: EGOR M2 RO.GE +12 140
>Ryan_Fischer: BLNRSXY M9 B.RYL +26 193
#note I'm not taking the S hook yet when I don't think he knows it. It's an ace in the hole (unless a situation comes up where he gets to try it out of desperation). So I'm happy with this though it's 4 back of BYRLS.
>Mark_Edward_Owens: AHP E4 PAH +33 173
>Ryan_Fischer: IJNSSVX 14J JINS +38 231
>Mark_Edward_Owens: FLOOT 15H LOOF +35 208
>Ryan_Fischer: CINOSVX D1 VINO +30 261
#note H1 COVINS 46. Woulda made it harder/less lucrative to bingo.
>Mark_Edward_Owens: EEINRTT 2D .NTERTIE +62 270
>Ryan_Fischer: ACEINSX 3F AX +36 297
#note Best.
>Mark_Edward_Owens: AEIW 1A WAI.E +35 305
>Ryan_Fischer: CEINRST 11A CRETINS +81 378
>Mark_Edward_Owens: ADEL - +0 305
#note Lost challenge.
>Ryan_Fischer: AEORTUZ A11 .RAZE +51 429
#note Oh, I so wanted to play OUTCRAZE*. :) Gotta take the C, so OYEZ is out, as is ZOEAE. Playing CRAZE 'cause lotsa As left. Oddly, Champ says CROZE is 100%, and this is 99.24. Go figure.
>Mark_Edward_Owens: ADEL 1G DEAL +36 341
>Ryan_Fischer: AELNOTU B11 .ENAL +38 467
#note Saw ZEALOT, forgot about ZONUL/E/A/AE. ZONULA Champ likes best. This, though...
>Mark_Edward_Owens: AFGGNOT - +0 341
#note ...gets a challenge.
>Ryan_Fischer: OTU D11 .OUT +8 475
#note 10C OUT 9. Shoulda known to play OUT to go out!
>Ryan_Fischer: (AFGGNOT) +24 499