Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
#player2 Scott_Garner Scott Garner
>Ryan_Fischer: AAITXYY 8H ATAXY +38 38
>Scott_Garner: EOW 9H WOE +17 17
>Ryan_Fischer: ?IINOVY 10F VINY +30 68
#note Blocked VINOsI(T)Y.
>Scott_Garner: ?EIPRSU 11H SoUPIER +79 96
#note Wow: K1 SUPERfI(X) 82, L1 PlEURIS(Y) 80, L7 S(Y)rUPIER 74.
>Ryan_Fischer: ?DFGIOR 12K IF +24 92
#note Best, oddly.
>Scott_Garner: EJT 13I JET +23 119
>Ryan_Fischer: ?DDGLOR L4 GODL. +20 112
#note 14H GOD 25, L4 DODG(Y) 22.
>Scott_Garner: IIIOOUU -IIIOOUU +0 119
>Ryan_Fischer: ?ADEMPR N7 PREA.MeD +78 190
#note Wow, there are surprisingly few bingos here. This, TRAMPED or CRAMPED, REVAMPED, and RAMPAGED. Of note: 14J MADRE 44.
>Scott_Garner: EEGH O5 GHEE +34 153
>Ryan_Fischer: EEHILST O13 HET +25 215
>Scott_Garner: GKO 5J GO.K +18 171
>Ryan_Fischer: AEILNST H7 L.... +8 223
#note I like L(AWNS) better than A(L) as it gives me two spots to bingo at least.
>Scott_Garner: OW M3 WO. +23 194
>Ryan_Fischer: AAEINST 4D ENTASIA +69 292
#note And it's here that I thought I had the game locked down. But for serendipity! Of note: SANATI(V)E.
>Scott_Garner: AZ 3G ZA +44 238
#note First bit of fortune, my bingo gives him a ZA counter which blocks QAT(S).
>Ryan_Fischer: AAINQTV E2 QA.AT +28 320
#note His blocking QAT(S) forces me to play QA(N)AT, opening up a slim bingo lane for him. I guess I could have played QAI(D) 6I, avoiding this. That's really hard to see.
>Scott_Garner: IMNRSTU D6 UNTRIMS +72 310
#note He hits a miracle! And I hold, even though I'm pretty sure it's good.
>Ryan_Fischer: EIINNOV 14F VINO +24 344
#note I make an equity play even though I'm pretty sure it'll give him a decent comeback. I lie to myself saying he's drawing 7 so his rack can't be that good.
>Scott_Garner: BDU 15G DUB +39 349
#note It's not, but it's enough to keep ahead!
>Ryan_Fischer: BDEEINR N2 DEB +23 367
#note If I played elsewhere there might be a spot for my no-go right now! Of note: 3D B(A)I(ZA) 22. This may give back too much, too. I'm running low on time.
>Scott_Garner: CCILU 8A CUL.IC +30 379
>Ryan_Fischer: EFINOOR C7 O.E +11 378
#note And he's pulled ahead with a bingo line open, a bingo pool, and if I play the play I want to play, I empty the bag! Aw crap! So I quickly try to reconcile some sort of bingo leave (I can't really block), and try to save my F in case he doesn't hit the bingo. It's too much information to process! Oh, how brilliant Q is here: A8 (C)OO 5 sets up FINER for 45 and if I draw another O I still have my 32 elsewhere. It's 67% to win.
>Scott_Garner: EEILORS A8 .REOLISE +83 462
#note Aw.
>Ryan_Fischer: AFINORR M13 FOR +32 410
>Scott_Garner: N 3M ..N +6 468
>Scott_Garner: (AINR) +8 476
Player 2
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