Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Evans_Clinchy Evans Clinchy
#player2 Jesse_Matthews Jesse Matthews
>Evans_Clinchy: FGJLRWX -FGJLWX +0 0
#note Sims best. The X is crappy early in the game. It only has value later, when there are hotspots open for it.
>Jesse_Matthews: BEW 8G WEB +16 16
>Evans_Clinchy: AAABLOR 7G ABA +22 22
#note Was hoping Jesse would give me a G or a P. No dice.
>Jesse_Matthews: ?EEHNOR 6G HONoREE +78 94
>Evans_Clinchy: AAIILOR K4 AI. +6 28
#note LAARI 5J comes out significantly better. Not sure what made me think AILOR was a good leave to fish with.
>Jesse_Matthews: ADUY L1 YAUD +30 124
>Evans_Clinchy: ACILORZ 1E ZIRCALO. +116 144
#note ...oh, so THAT'S what made me think AILOR was a good leave to fish with!
>Jesse_Matthews: DJLOS N6 SLOJD +31 155
>Evans_Clinchy: HIOPSUX O7 OX +56 200
#note I underscored this by four and am thus a bad person.
>Jesse_Matthews: GV 3K V.G +21 176
>Evans_Clinchy: GHIPSUW 11J WHUPS +40 240
>Jesse_Matthews: FN L10 F.N +12 188
>Evans_Clinchy: AEGIITV 2A VIGIA +29 269
#note Considered playing this at 10F to avoid the possibility of triple-triple OVER- bingos. Then considered not being a chickenshit.
>Jesse_Matthews: ?EFILNS 12D SNIfFLE +81 269
>Evans_Clinchy: EENOPRT A1 O.ERT +27 296
#note Fishing for an O for the OVERTONE extension. Sim likes OVEN better, which surprises me. There are five T's unseen -- what if I draw a couple more?
>Jesse_Matthews: IQ 13C QI +24 293
>Evans_Clinchy: EEENOPU A1 .....ONE +33 329
#note Sims better than EPOPEE M10, which needlessly gives him easy counterplays.
>Jesse_Matthews: AINOORT B5 ORATION +71 364
>Evans_Clinchy: CEEIPTU H12 .UCI +27 356
#note Surprised to see Quackle telling me to play PUCE 3E and chase a shot at a bingo keeping EIT. That could easily backfire if I don't draw well. FUCI scores and keeps a solid, versatile leave for bingoing or scoring.
>Jesse_Matthews: DKSU 9D DUSK +33 397
>Evans_Clinchy: AEEEMPT A10 METEPA +39 395
>Jesse_Matthews: RTY 14D TRY +17 414
>Evans_Clinchy: EEIMNRT C2 .RIME +24 419
#note Yuck! ZANIER E1 and GERMEN C2 are both better than this. We were both under 30 seconds, I think. This endgame is a mess.
>Jesse_Matthews: ADEEGLT 3E GLADE +22 436
>Evans_Clinchy: ENT M11 .ENT +14 433
#note So... yeah. Jesse wins by three, we recount it, we find my four-point mistake, and I win by one. It was a long, guilt-ridden drive back to Boston.
>Evans_Clinchy: (ET) +4 437
Player 2
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