Game Details
Player 1
#player1 k8 k8
#player2 brad brad
>k8: DDIWY 8D WIDDY +34 34
>brad: HIMU F4 HUMI. +17 17
>k8: AIIILNO 6F .ILIA +9 43
>brad: AEU 9G EAU +14 31
>k8: EIINORS 10B NOISIER +71 114
#note i briefly considered making MILIAS* but decided it should sound familiar if it was good.
>brad: HORTU 4B ROUT. +16 47
>k8: BBENPRR C2 PR.BER +22 136
>brad: EGO B1 GOE. +20 67
>k8: BEFIJNO 7I FIB +23 159
>brad: AERTV 8K AVERT +40 107
>k8: AEFJNOO K7 ..NJO +28 187
#note didn't see fanon b6
>brad: ACLV C9 V.CAL +28 135
>k8: AAEFOUZ B6 FEZ +38 225
#note this leave looks much better with the Z in it. Fou b6 looks pretty good, quak likes it at 7m.
>brad: ?ADGHRS M2 HAGRiD.S +80 215
>k8: AACEOTU H1 ACTUA. +27 252
>brad: ?DENOTX N1 DEX +41 256
#note brad and i talked about his draw after the bingo.
>k8: AEINOSW O1 OWE +46 298
>brad: ?GLNO D12 LONG +20 276
>k8: AEINOSS 15C A.ONISES +77 375
#note yay - that's much better than astonies. i expect him to bingo back and that it'll come down to who gets the q.
>brad: ?PTY E7 T.P.Y +22 298
>k8: AEEINOT 14J ATONE +18 393
#note srsly? this is what i get out of that bag of tricks? in any case, i played this because i wanted to leave two q spots.
>brad: ?EKLMQT 15L MErK +46 344
>k8: EIN 2B ..INE +9 402
>k8: (LQT) +24 426
Player 2
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