Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Bing Bing
#player2 Noah Noah
>Bing: AAGHKNS 8F KHAN +22 22
#note KHANGAS#! I'll have to remember that one.
>Noah: EGIMNOO 9G EGO +18 18
>Bing: AEGPSTY 10E GYP +25 47
>Noah: EIMNNOV 11B VINO +20 38
>Bing: AEESTWY 10I WYE +23 70
>Noah: EEILMNP 11J EM +21 59
>Bing: AABESTU 12H BEAUT +31 101
#note Missed a chance for a plausible phoney, BATEAUS*.
>Noah: DEILNPR H12 .LIP +24 83
>Bing: AAFIRST 15H .ARFAITS +92 193
#note If this spot hadn't opened up, hopefully I'd have found ASTRAKHAN.
>Noah: BDEEINR O8 INBREED. +86 169
>Bing: ?AEEIST L4 IdEATES +74 267
>Noah: CENRRWZ 14G W.Z +26 195
>Bing: ?DDEOOQ 12C DODO +24 291
>Noah: CEGNRRS 7H REGN. +19 214
>Bing: ?EHQRTX N6 HEX +30 321
>Noah: CDIRSTV M2 VID +17 231
>Bing: ?FIQRTT N12 FRI. +27 348
>Noah: ACEORST 1I RECOATS +88 319
>Bing: ?JNQTTU C9 QU..s +48 396
>Noah: EMNORUU -UMOU +0 319
>Bing: IJNOSTT F5 JIN. +17 413
>Noah: EILLNOR 6D LO.N +4 323
>Bing: AOOSTTU 8A OUST +30 443
>Noah: CEILLMR K4 LIM. +22 345
>Bing: AAAOTU G2 TAUO. +15 458
>Noah: CELR A6 CE.RL +7 352
>Noah: (AA) +4 356
Player 2
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