Player 1 |
#player1 them them
#player2 me me
>them: HI 8G HI +10 10
>me: AEEILOR I7 OE +9 9
#note So far, so good. Top choice.
>them: AP 7G AP. +16 26
>me: AEILORR 9E ORA +11 20
#note Q likes 9F RIA; I'm not as comfortable with ELOR as leave. I'd have played 6F OR if I had seen it. This is in third place.
>them: ILY E9 .ILY +14 40
>me: AAEILRR 12C RA. +12 32
#note Come on! I decided to fish for one more turn. Might have played AIRER if I knew it; thought about trying 8A AILER* but didn't think it was good. Q prefers R(Y)A to RA(Y) .
>them: ITZ B10 ZIT +39 79
#note He starts scoring; time to try and do the same.
>me: AEGIILR 13A GIE +25 57
#note Clearly fishing isn't working. Of course GLAI(R)IER just got blocked. This was a risky move, if I had taken a second to think about it, I would've just played 8A LIGER. Yes, I saw GLAIRIER and didn't think about GLAIR.
>them: BEEF 14C BEEF +22 101
#note Forces him to block, he though I was actually somewhat smart and held an S.
>me: AAEIKLR 15F ALIKE +32 89
#note 15E LAKIER is best.
>them: OUY 14J YOU +27 128
#note Again, I'm lucky he wasn't able to make a monster play here.
>me: ADFHRVX 15L HARD +45 134
#note 5 turns in a row with non-scoring bingo prone tiles, and now this. Well at least I have a high scoring play. Maybe I'll be able to get some vowels.
>them: EGNRTU D4 URGENT +20 148
>me: BCCFSVX -BCCFVX +0 134
#note Nope.
>them: DO A13 .OD +15 163
>me: EJOSTTW 3B JOT +28 162
#note Ew, didn't even see n10 JOTTE(R) for 58.
>them: CEINT B1 IN.ECT +34 197
>me: AEEMSTW A1 ME +26 188
#note Somehow, I don't know WAME. This is the point in the game where I start thinking, 'if I don't get a blank and/or bingo, he's going to soon and then it's pretty much over.' I played ME in case he had XI, and to try and keep decent tiles.
>them: ABL A6 ALB +17 214
>me: AEGOSTW E2 GATE +27 215
#note *sigh* I finally get a bingo rack, and I don't know it. I even lined up TOWAGES but thought I was just thinking of DOTAGES. Either way, this is an unnecessarily risky play. C7 WO is better, with a better leave.
>them: DR I6 D..R +6 220
#note Bad sign.
>me: CLOOSSW F1 WOS +25 240
#note Hey, I'm ahead!
>them: ADEV 1F .AVED +36 256
>me: ACLNOSW 13G CLOWN +25 265
#note Maybe I have a chance...
>them: ?EFMORU O8 UnFORME. +92 348
#note So opponent overdrew after last turn, I flip 3 and get ESU. S seemed like a no-brainer choice, but now I'n not so sure- having the D at the bottom of the triple lane means E might have been a better choice. What would you do? Turns out taking the E would have kept him from bingoing for now.
>me: AIINNSV N10 IN +13 278
#note And, game over. Sadly, I had INVASI(O)N if the O was one to the left. I need a miracle out-bingo to win now.
>them: EX J9 EX +27 375
>me: AINSSUV K9 VIA +27 305
>them: ?INPQST L4 QuINTS +37 412
>me: NSSU 3L SUNS +23 328
>me: (P) +6 334