Player 1 |
#player1 Stefan_Huber Stefan Huber
#player2 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
>Stefan_Huber: EIOOR 8D OORIE +12 12
>Ryan_Fischer: ?EILORT H1 aEROLIT. +74 74
>Stefan_Huber: NRUUY 5D UNRU.Y +18 30
>Ryan_Fischer: ADEIKTT 2G T.AK +18 92
#note 3G T(R)AIKED 28?
>Stefan_Huber: AEGM 4H .MEGA +23 53
>Ryan_Fischer: ADEIMOT D1 MIAO. +20 112
#note 3A MEDIATO(R) 77. Oops. I miss that a lot.
>Stefan_Huber: AELRSTV M2 VESTRAL +81 134
>Ryan_Fischer: ADEEGIT 8J AIG.ET +27 139
#note Happy I learned to take this over EAG(L)ED.
>Stefan_Huber: DEFNN K7 F.NNED +20 154
>Ryan_Fischer: ?ADEEIL O1 LEADIEs. +80 219
>Stefan_Huber: EHLNRSS D7 H.RNLESS +72 226
#note Really wasn't expecting him to bingo that fast.
>Ryan_Fischer: EFINQUU F8 .EQUIN +35 254
#note 3C F(A)QUI(R) 41 (which I didn't see), 10C U(N)IQUE 35 (which I did). This is way down. Don't know what I was so afraid of.
>Stefan_Huber: ORWY 1A WOR.Y +39 265
>Ryan_Fischer: AAEFIIU 10F .UAI +13 267
>Stefan_Huber: EJV I9 J.VE +22 287
#note BIG BREAK here, and I can't cash in on it!
>Ryan_Fischer: ABEFHIX H12 FAX +26 293
#note There are no 4s that reach the 3WS! Only 4 even IN the rack is IBEX. Had to take this to block. Else: disaster!
>Stefan_Huber: BGNO 3C B.NGO. +23 310
#note I held him on this, but couldn't quite trust myself. I knew BROGAN, but remembered it had an anagram too, and couldn't remember what it was. It's BARONG! Seeing what I had coming at him, though, made me a little more okay with letting his play go. Only problem is, I empty the bag...
>Ryan_Fischer: BEHIIOP N8 .PHEBOI +44 337
>Stefan_Huber: CDOPSTZ 14F SO. +30 340
#note No play wins for him now. C(O)Z is champ's pick.
>Ryan_Fischer: ACDITW O11 DAWT +24 361
#note I have no idea why I didn't play DAWT on the other side! Low on time, I guess.
>Stefan_Huber: CDPTZ 13H .DZ +33 373
#note Nice play.
>Ryan_Fischer: CI 7B IC. +11 372
>Ryan_Fischer: (CPT) +14 386