Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Liz_Gottlin Liz Gottlin
#player2 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
>Liz_Gottlin: IMV 8G VIM +16 16
>Ryan_Fischer: EHLNRTX 7H HERL +18 18
#note More defensive than the other placement of HERL; longshot X setup. HEX is probably better, though.
>Liz_Gottlin: EINOP 8K OPINE +32 48
>Ryan_Fischer: ?CINTXY 7M XI +36 54
#note It sure took me long enough to deduce this is best. NIXY is okay, too.
>Liz_Gottlin: ADELW K5 AL..WED +44 92
#note Nice.
>Ryan_Fischer: ?CNRTTY 10J Y.TT +15 69
#note Oops, missed 4K TRY 24. Forgot that hook. TENTY or NETTY is decent.
>Liz_Gottlin: HO 6N HO +27 119
>Ryan_Fischer: ?CENORS O8 .NfORCES +80 149
#note 4H CENSORs 84
>Liz_Gottlin: GOW - +0 119
#note Odd situation here. I said F and circled the blank. She challenged, thinking it was a D. I pointed to the circled F. I thought if a player misunderstands a blank declaration they are allowed to rescind the challenge. Maybe I'm mistaken.
>Ryan_Fischer: AFGMOPT L1 FAGOT +28 177
#note Wow, just how many ways can we miss the ALLOWED hooks?
>Liz_Gottlin: GOW 6F WOG +22 141
>Ryan_Fischer: ABLMOPU 1L .LUB +27 204
#note 3F PLUMBA(G)O 88. Oops! Haha. I saw AMPOUL(E), didn't like what it gave back. As it stands, I guess I'm fine how this turned out.
>Liz_Gottlin: FIKN 14K KNIF. +24 165
>Ryan_Fischer: AEMOPQU 11E OPAQUE. +43 247
>Liz_Gottlin: ?ABDIRS 3G ABRID.eS +76 241
>Ryan_Fischer: ADIMRTV 15H DIVA +30 277
>Liz_Gottlin: EUZ H1 ZE.U +48 289
#note Ow.
>Ryan_Fischer: DEMORTT 10E MOT +19 296
#note This is where things start going south, though I guess this is okay.
>Liz_Gottlin: AEIIRSY L12 YI. +12 301
#note Actual rack; best. I'm really worried here, but I obviously didn't choose right. And with her follow-up she'd bingo in two places anyway.
>Ryan_Fischer: DEEGNRT 12E GED +20 316
#note DREG would have been okay. Let's see what champ says. D(I)NGE(R) for 22, or GENDER for 30. Saw the latter. I needed to block row 14, but couldn't figure out how. GREET blocks, but she can still bingo through the Z with what she has. So really, can't quite figure out where I went wrong.
>Liz_Gottlin: AEEILRS 14B REALISE +71 372
>Ryan_Fischer: ACENRTT M13 T.C +14 330
#note 9J T(W)A 17 wins 33%. Interesting. I'm close to CATENATE so a one-tile fish might be pertinent. Hard to say. Ugh.
>Liz_Gottlin: EJ C13 J.E +20 392
>Ryan_Fischer: AEENNRT 12B RAN... +27 357
#note Was all set to play NEATENER* if she didn't block. Too bad it's bogus.
>Liz_Gottlin: AANORSU 5C AURAS +17 409
>Ryan_Fischer: EEINT 15A TE.N +20 377
#note Oops, missed my out.
>Liz_Gottlin: NO 2N NO +14 423
>Liz_Gottlin: (IE) +4 427
>Ryan_Fischer: (time) -10 367
Player 2
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