Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Matthew Matthew
#player2 Jeremy Jeremy
>Matthew: AEIIINR -II +0 0
>Jeremy: ABGIOPR 8D PIROG +22 22
#note 5.4 8G BIG - (four ply sim)
>Matthew: AEIIMNR H6 MI.RAINE +62 62
>Jeremy: ABEEHIT 12B THEBAI.E +76 98
>Matthew: DDEIOV 13A VOIDED +44 106
>Jeremy: ?AEFLSY J6 FLAYErS +86 184
>Matthew: BENO K8 BONE +25 131
>Jeremy: DHTUVWZ E4 DHUT. +18 202
#note sims best. It's a greedy play going for the Z two ways at 14F on an A draw. Worst case scenario I can dump C11 W(HI)Z next turn, and I have a V spot at 11L. L11 VUM was close behind. The board is dead, so I can unload my clunkers without losing ground hopefully.
>Matthew: DEIR 8J ..IDER +30 161
>Jeremy: ANUVWXZ 14F ZA +64 266
#note ZA sims best, but it is not a slam dunk. It is less than 4 pts ahead of I12 (E)X
>Matthew: CEEOOS 15C COOEES +43 204
>Jeremy: GNSUVWX I12 .X +34 300
#note 0.2 L11 SWUNG on wpct. L11 VUG wins on valuation. My play just below the other two. The top three choices are all very close.
>Matthew: AIQU D1 QUAI +52 256
>Jeremy: GNSTUVW L11 VUG +19 319
#note it might look wrong shedding the U with the Q up top, but it sims best
>Matthew: KOW B10 KO..W +44 300
>Jeremy: NNPRSTW L6 TW.N +13 332
#note 0.2 N6 WREN. I considered it, but if I keep PSNT and draw a vowel, I'm bingo prone. I want to keep both the U and the E wide open so I can bingo, especially since Matthew could smack me with a blank bingo any moment. Playing TWIN made more sense to me so I had chances to bingo next on a good draw.
>Matthew: JO N6 JO. +26 326
>Jeremy: CLNPRSS 2C C.SP +14 346
#note 23.5 Big miss. 2B SCULP, SLURP, even SPURN, they are all much better. I became super paranoid of giving away a blank bingo in row 1, and I also lost my concentration a few times. I could have thrown away the whole game here. I had single turn lapses like this at Saratoga Springs which cost me whole games. I have to eliminate this late game mistakes under pressure.
>Matthew: EFIIRTU O7 F.UITIER +67 393
>Jeremy: ?EGLNRS 3F aNGLERS +62 408
#note 6D L(U)G is about +1% to win. I spent a minute looking for nines through ID which might have been more defensive, just to be sure.
>Matthew: LOY H1 LO.Y +36 429
>Jeremy: AAEMNRT 2J MEANT +40 448
#note The backup play was C3 CARMAN, which would have lost. CARNET can win though. Perhaps I would have come to that conclusion if MEANT didn't play.
>Matthew: AALNT C2 .LAN +20 449
>Jeremy: AR A13 .AR +23 471
>Jeremy: (AT) +4 475
Player 2
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