Game Details
Player 1
#player1 scott_jackson scott jackson
#player2 opponent opponent
>scott_jackson: AAILMPS 8C IMPALAS +78 78
>opponent: BE 7C BE +18 18
>scott_jackson: ?AAALNT 7H LANTAnA +62 140
#note My opponent's play blocked RATAPLAN 2x2! I didn't see PANATELA though.
>opponent: AITW 8L WAIT +45 63
>scott_jackson: ABLNRTU 9K ALB +21 161
#note I had no idea what to do here. The board is really great for having a leave, as there's little in terms of solid bingo lines. I didn't see BRUTAL/AWAIT, though I did see TABUN/AWAIT. I didn't really want to give a nice hotspot with the latter play. BLUNT and BRUTAL are favored on the K column, though my play is only one percent behind.
>opponent: EEGR D7 ..ERGE +18 81
>scott_jackson: MNRRTUU 6D RUM +21 182
>opponent: DNOP 13A POND +26 107
>scott_jackson: INORTUV 11D .UV +14 196
#note Plays using UV that take out the 3x3 lane are better, mainly VIGOUR or VIRTU.
>opponent: ESZ 9C Z.ES +53 160
>scott_jackson: EEINORT O8 .ENORITE +77 273
>opponent: OY 14B YO +22 182
>scott_jackson: ?CHIIQR N13 QI +37 310
>opponent: NOW 5E NOW +20 202
>scott_jackson: ?CEHIRU 12A UH +20 330
#note EPIC FAIL!!!!

I first though of HUMERIC*, but that looked off. Then I thought of RHEUMIC, but that looked kind of strange too. In the end I couldn't decide if both, neither, or just one was valid. If I play RHEUMIC this becomes much easier, and it blocks my opponent's bingo in the same spot. I mean it's almost impossible for me to lose this game either way, but still a terrible miss for me.
>opponent: DDEEGRS 15C DREDGES +87 289
>scott_jackson: ?ACEEIR K9 .REIC +14 344
#note I wanted to open a second bingo lane just in case my opponent draws a playable bingo on the fourth row. Quackle wants me to just play BIZE.
>opponent: FIX 14H FIX +36 325
>scott_jackson: ?ACEFHO 4G ArCHFOE +83 427
#note Fortunately that stayed open. Some pretty crazy bingos in this game (both played and not).
>opponent: AJT 3E TAJ +39 364
>scott_jackson: DILNOOR 3K INDOL +25 452
#note best.
>opponent: GU O1 GU. +12 376
>scott_jackson: IIKORTT 2B TIKI +18 470
#note best
>opponent: EENOSVY N2 N.SY +33 409
>scott_jackson: ORT J10 ORT +13 483
>scott_jackson: (EEOV) +14 497
Player 2
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