Player 1 |
#player1 Eric_Tran Eric Tran
#player2 Sam_Kantimathi Sam Kantimathi
>Eric_Tran: DEEENUZ 8G ZEE +24 24
>Sam_Kantimathi: ABIRSTT H5 BIR.TTAS +61 61
>Eric_Tran: DEEENRU 10E NEU.ERED +63 87
>Sam_Kantimathi: AEIIMRS L3 SEMIARI. +74 135
#note Originially misscored as 78
>Eric_Tran: EIIOOOX M3 OXO +37 124
>Sam_Kantimathi: EGIJRTW E6 JEWI.G +34 169
>Eric_Tran: DEIIIOY -IIIY +0 124
#note Kept the O, as there didn't look like too many places to play or score. Sim standardly likes -DE.
>Sam_Kantimathi: AAKRTTW K7 TAK.R +28 197
>Eric_Tran: DEHLNOY F5 YOD +23 147
#note I'm crazy. I saw ENDO(W) and chose this instead.
>Sam_Kantimathi: ADEHTVW M7 WED +36 233
>Eric_Tran: ?DEHLNT I10 .TH +13 160
#note EDH, same spot, win. Playing too fast.
>Sam_Kantimathi: AAAGHTV I4 VAT +12 245
>Eric_Tran: ADEEILN 8K ...AE +15 175
>Sam_Kantimathi: AAAGHNP O2 APANAG. +11 256
>Eric_Tran: DEILNSV - +0 175
#note It was too tempting to try to challenge this off and get my bingo down. I justified my challenge by hoping Sam had some Collins confusion.
>Sam_Kantimathi: EHIILMR J12 EH +11 267
>Eric_Tran: DEILNSV 13I S.IVED +36 211
#note *Phoney. Obviously I could have kept the D, but I felt like being greedy.
>Sam_Kantimathi: CIILMRR 12M RIM +13 280
>Eric_Tran: ?FLLNUY 7B UNF.. +10 221
#note N1 FLU is beautiful. Didn't see it. I felt like I needed to open the board.
>Sam_Kantimathi: CIILNRT B6 T.NIC +15 295
>Eric_Tran: ?BLLOOY N5 OY +32 253
>Sam_Kantimathi: AFILNOR 11M OF +15 310
>Eric_Tran: ?BLLOOQ -BOLLQ +0 253
#note Keeping the O for FIDO looked like a good plan, hoping he doesn't have an S/? and will make a small blocking play. Sim likes keeping the B.
>Sam_Kantimathi: AILNRUU A4 ULU +6 316
#note Massive error on Sam's part. He said he thought SULU was Collins. Such a strange play, given how he was trying so hard to close the board.
>Eric_Tran: ?INOOPS 14N OP +24 277
#note According to plan, I'm able to set up a bingo line.
>Sam_Kantimathi: ABCINQR O14 .I +12 328
#note And he has to make a small blocking play.
>Eric_Tran: ?EGINOS 3A SIGNOrE +70 347
#note I figure there's a good chance the Q is left in the bag, so I set up a juicy Q spot for myself.
>Sam_Kantimathi: ABCLNQR 2E BARN +17 345
>Eric_Tran: ?LLO 1H aLL +9 356
#note ZOMG. So there were 4 tiles left in the bag. I only draw LL?, not realizing there's one left. I'm low on time, and I'm behind on my tracking. Of course Sam knows there should be 4 tiles, and doesn't say anything. I make this play, neutralizing the clock, before Sam mentions that there's one tile left. Director is called, my play stands, I have to draw the last tile (the O) and Sam gets a turn.
>Sam_Kantimathi: CLQ B2 Q. +22 367
>Eric_Tran: O 8A O. +6 362
#note I make this play, catch up on my scoring, and think that I've lost the game by 1. That would've been a really sucky way to lose. On a recount, Sam gave himself 4 extra points, and I still win by 3.
>Eric_Tran: (CL) +8 370