Player 1 |
#player1 Dave_Wiegand Dave Wiegand
#player2 Eric_Tran Eric Tran
>Dave_Wiegand: CGIJMRS 8G JIG +22 22
>Eric_Tran: ENNOQRT H7 Q. +11 11
>Dave_Wiegand: CFLMNRS -FLMN +0 22
>Eric_Tran: EENNORT 9F NO +13 24
>Dave_Wiegand: CDEEORS J2 RECODES +78 100
>Eric_Tran: DEENRST 10G TENDERS +72 96
>Dave_Wiegand: ABEFNVW 3I W.AVE +30 130
>Eric_Tran: ?AEIUVZ 5I Z.UAVE +36 132
>Dave_Wiegand: AABBFNP 1H BAP +34 164
>Eric_Tran: ?AIIIOS O3 AIS +23 155
#note Exchanging is recommended here. Dave most likely doesn't have an S; if he did, he would surely use it on ZOUAVE first, and save the P for next turn. I'm hoping to get decent draw, and the points seemed worthwhile.
>Dave_Wiegand: ABFGIKN L8 BA.KING +34 198
>Eric_Tran: ?HIINOO 4H HI. +27 182
#note Was too eager to play HI(C); didn't consider the better options of IONI(C) or (B)OHO. Clearing up the vowels needs to be a bigger concern.
>Dave_Wiegand: AAEEFIO L1 FO.E.E +32 230
>Eric_Tran: ?INNOOU 1L .INO +21 203
#note Saw and chickened out on NONUNION (Also consideering UNWOOING). I'm still in this game, and don't think I can afford a 0. Playing against Dave was also a factor; I assume he has perfect word knowledge, and there is 0% chance he lets it go if its phoney, or challenges if its good. Against a non-elite opponent, I would have definitely tried it.
>Dave_Wiegand: AAFILRU H10 .ARFUL +30 260
>Eric_Tran: ?DHNOTU E5 HaNDOUT +93 296
>Dave_Wiegand: ?ACIRTX F4 TAX +55 315
>Eric_Tran: EILMOST 15D MELI.OTS +63 359
>Dave_Wiegand: ?CEGIPR 8L .RIG +21 336
#note OMG Dave missed a bingo! [It's a disconnected 9]
>Eric_Tran: DINORUY 7C YO.I +22 381
#note UNDI(D) and ROUN(D) unnecessarily open the board. I obviously want to close the 2 lane, but didn't think of any good way to. IRONY, RINDY are crazy. UNDY looks like it might work (didn't see it). There still is the problem of parallel plays along D, which is what my play helps defend.
>Dave_Wiegand: ?ACEPRY 2B PREAChY +95 431
>Eric_Tran: DEMNRTU 8B REN. +14 395
#note Mistracked, though I had the last T.
>Dave_Wiegand: AEILOTW A8 TOWEL +45 476
>Eric_Tran: DLMTU D1 M.LD +20 415
>Dave_Wiegand: AI C2 .AI +13 489
>Dave_Wiegand: (TU) +4 493