Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Verbie Verbie
#player2 G_MacAulay G MacAulay
>Verbie: AAAEIPT H8 AA +4 4
#note I panicked at the triple and didn't like what PIETA H4 did for a leave, but I should have taken the points (-4)
>G_MacAulay: ABEEFIU I8 BEAU +14 14
#note Why not at I9 for 2 more? (For that matter, FEU G9 is tops, 3.5 ahead of actual.)
>Verbie: AEHIPRT 12I THRIP +27 31
#note Maybe he was trying to set up something to distract me. If so, it works. Top is to just fish off the *H* with AH 10I 13. (-13)
>G_MacAulay: EFIORTV G2 OVERFIT +73 87
#note the madness begins...
>Verbie: ?ADEIIL N8 LIAIsED +78 109
#note (-4) I was trying for things through the R, needed pERIDIAL or AIRfIELD.
>G_MacAulay: DEGIJOS 8L JO.E +57 144
#note ow ow! o wow!
>Verbie: DEINNRS 13C DINNERS +79 188
#note or ENDRINS, which is better defensively (at least against QUA or similar)
>G_MacAulay: ?DGILOS 5E LO.DInGS +86 230
#note yeah, that wasn't going to be stopped...
>Verbie: CCEEFHO 6D COF. +35 223
#note Best.
>G_MacAulay: AABLMSZ 12A BLAM +33 263
#note Keep the power in hand. Only 1.5 better than Z to 2f with the A flanking (AZO/ ZOA)
>Verbie: CEEHLNQ 11E CHEQ.E +45 268
#note Would I have found this if the game was in California? G jokes "that's not the way 'you' see it spelled"...
>G_MacAulay: AANSXYZ H1 AX +36 299
#note George's turn to panic about too many As. Better to drop the Y instead with OXY M8 43. (-5)
>Verbie: AELNORS K10 OR.A +50 318
#note Last play was a gamble, and I win the race. I'm sensing that this is a high-loss game brewing, but who for?
>G_MacAulay: AENOSYZ 4L OYEZ +56 355
#note (Mis-scored as 54) George hits his own jackpot draw.
>Verbie: EELNNST A12 .ENT +18 336
#note I was sniffing around things like SINE L11, which turns out to be barely better than this. (-.5) Decided the S would give more payoff options.
>G_MacAulay: AKNPSTU O1 PUT. +45 400
#note First real mis-step, with KANZU available for 54 (-9). But the last error on his part lucked into OYEZ, remember.
>Verbie: EIILNOS C1 LIONISE +79 415
#note (-2) to ELISION same line. But I need multiple ways to blast some more points down next turn (say with TIDY if it shows up)
>G_MacAulay: AEKNSTW 1A WA.K +48 448
#note I also needed 'that' to 'not' happen...
>Verbie: GINRUWY 8A WIRY +50 465
#note I open up two lanes, and they cancel. Now I just need George to have the V, or the G, anything but...
>G_MacAulay: EENOSTT 15A .ONETTES +77 525
#note ... *THAT!*
>Verbie: GMNRUUV 2F V.. +21 486
#note Might as well take as much as I can...
>G_MacAulay: ADG 4A DA.G +16 541
#note George sneaks into 4th for $50. High loss nets me $20. What a ride.
>G_MacAulay: (GMNRUU) +18 559
Player 2
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