Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Sam_Rosin Sam Rosin
#player2 Chris_Lipe Chris Lipe
>Sam_Rosin: EFGORRT 8D FORGE +26 26
>Chris_Lipe: DEOPRTU I2 TROUPED +73 73
>Sam_Rosin: EGMORTW H1 MEOW +52 78
>Chris_Lipe: BDERUV E8 .VERDUB +26 99
>Sam_Rosin: CGHRRTT 4H ..RTH +22 100
#note Wasn't sure of GRUTCH. Should have played something through that U though.
>Chris_Lipe: AIZ F5 IZA. +33 132
>Sam_Rosin: ?CEGNRT H8 .RECTiNG +83 183
>Chris_Lipe: KOOT E2 TOOK +28 160
>Sam_Rosin: HLMNPST 10D H.MP.N +19 202
#note HM D3 sims a little better. I wanted to decrease the risk of my leave by not keeping so many vowels, but maybe HM is better. The bag is fairly vowel-heavy.
>Chris_Lipe: EFIN 12A FINE. +26 186
>Sam_Rosin: LLLSTUX A12 .LUX +42 244
>Chris_Lipe: AEI 11D A.EI. +21 207
>Sam_Rosin: EELLNST D1 TELL +18 262
>Chris_Lipe: AEJWY K2 JE.WAY +38 245
>Sam_Rosin: EIINOSY F14 YO +28 290
>Chris_Lipe: ACINOSU L7 ACINOUS +79 324
>Sam_Rosin: EIINRST B14 TI +17 307
#note INFLUX is a really great play I didn't find.
>Chris_Lipe: AIIN M11 INIA +16 340
>Sam_Rosin: AEGINRS M1 ERASING +91 398
>Chris_Lipe: ?ABILSV N13 BA +17 357
>Sam_Rosin: AADDEOS 1A DOA.S +27 425
>Chris_Lipe: ?EILQSV O8 cLEVIS +33 390
>Sam_Rosin: ADE B1 .DEA +10 435
>Sam_Rosin: (Q) +20 455
Player 2
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