Player 1 |
#player1 Mike_Willis Mike Willis
#player2 Jim_Burlant Jim Burlant
>Mike_Willis: ABHU 8G HABU +18 18
>Jim_Burlant: ACDEGIK 9D CAKED +22 22
#note No real standout plays here, but Q doesn't particularly like this choice. Its preference is 9F GADI 22, docking me 6 equity. I didn't like any of the other options and wanted to turn as much of this rack and try again.
>Mike_Willis: MPV E8 V.MP +22 40
>Jim_Burlant: BEGINOT 10E .ITOGEN +32 54
#note Best. Nothing else worth consideration.
>Mike_Willis: AHIL 11J HAIL +23 63
>Jim_Burlant: BEFIRVW 12L FIVE +34 88
#note Best. FIB 12L also worth consideration. FIB sims not quite 2 points down on this and nothing else is within 9 points of FIB. My winning chances are 50%...but they're about to take a dive.
>Mike_Willis: EEGIRTY O5 TIGEREY. +86 149
#note Beautiful find by Mike and he's winning 70%. Of interest: the O7 placement, while scoring identically, sims TEN points down, as it's recklessly volatile with SSSS?? unseen.
>Jim_Burlant: ?BDNORW N8 BOW +35 123
#note There are only two 7's in this rack (BROWNeD and RuBDOWN) and they don't play. The only 8's are BROWBAND, RAWBONED, RUBDOWNS, and SNOWBIRD. They don't play, either. This is best.
>Mike_Willis: EF 13L FE +25 174
>Jim_Burlant: ?ADNNOR M3 ANDiRON +77 200
#note The only bingo, winning 55%. Play incorrectly scored as 76.
>Mike_Willis: EINZ L1 ZINE +52 226
#note Play incorrectly scored as 58.
>Jim_Burlant: ADIOSTY 1K A.IDO +45 245
#note Best. Though ZITS scores 39 and 12A plays like TOADY and TODAY score 35, nothing sims within 18 points of this.
>Mike_Willis: Q 6L Q. +10 236
>Jim_Burlant: ANORSTY 14I AROYNTS +91 336
#note Took a while to even find this; I kept missing the Y back-hook to VAMP. While this is much more stylish, the 12B placement scores 87 and is definitely the better play. Q docks me 5 points for this.
>Mike_Willis: ?EILNOR 15E eLOINER +74 310
#note Small consolation: if I play at 12B on the previous turn, he still has OvERLAIN down the B column for 68.
>Jim_Burlant: EILMPSX 2N EX +33 369
#note Too bad there's nowhere to play the bingo. Perhaps that wouldn't have been the case if I remembed to back-hook VAMP a couple of turns back. Q prefers 12A PIXES/MIXES by a hair. I'm still winning 89%.
>Mike_Willis: EJ J6 JE. +26 336
>Jim_Burlant: AILMPST 13F LIMP +20 389
#note Saw the bingo PALMIST, but wasn't sure it was good. Still feeling the hangover from the Cree game, I chickened out and opted for a safe defensive play. PALMIST 13C is clearly best.
>Mike_Willis: TU 3J TU.. +4 340
>Jim_Burlant: ADISTUW 12A WADIS +38 427
#note Best. Mike thought this was a reckless play, but I figured that it was worth the risk to add 34 points to my lead. A check of Zyzzyva shows that none of the 16 8's that end in WARE are available from the remaining pool. I didn't know all of them but when I didn't see FLATWARE, IRONWARE, SOFTWARE, or OVENWARE, I figured that if he couldn't bingo this very turn the game was cinched for me. Then again, not chickening out on PALMIST would have taken care of that on the previous turn.
>Mike_Willis: OU C12 .UO +8 348
>Jim_Burlant: CEGORTU A12 .ORT +21 448
#note Interesting result: Sim says I should have unloaded the E with WORE and not unloaded the T. I thought I'd be slammed with consonants given the pool. This still wins the 4-ply sim at 100%, but coughs up huge valuation.
>Mike_Willis: AR 6H RA. +10 358
>Jim_Burlant: CEGSU 2H CUE +11 459
>Mike_Willis: AELST H1 S.ALE. +27 385
>Jim_Burlant: GS - +0 459
#note Didn't see that coming...and challenged this because I only remembed SCALAR from math class. Maybe I should go fishing and use a fish scaler some time? Doh!
>Mike_Willis: T K3 .T +5 390
>Mike_Willis: (GS) +6 396