Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Nigel Nigel
#player2 Matthew Matthew
>Nigel: EEORSSV H6 VERSE +16 16
#note NR: "I think I'll try a new strategy this time. Seeing as I have to somehow muster two triple-triples as well as win this game."
>Matthew: AAHMNOT 8F MA.ATHON +64 64
#note MT: "Oh yeah? Going for the 'Crappy Placement Strategy'? Seriously, who plays VERSE like that?"
>Nigel: EIKMNOS J6 SO. +5 21
#note NR: "It's called foresight. I'm thinking 12 turns ahead. You wouldn't understand."
>Matthew: ?AINNOP K3 ANtIP.ON +80 144
#note MT: "Gah! Stop talking like that!"
>Nigel: EEIIKMN H6 .....MEN +14 35
#note NR: "Like what?"
>Matthew: ?AGIQRY 11D QuAG.IRY +170 314
#note MT: "Like you understand ever fiber of the Scrabble Universe and the Tile Fairies bend to your will!"
>Nigel: EEGIIKN 9H .I +6 41
#note NR: "Hmm... I wasn't aware I gave that impression. But I assure you I'm just a normal Scrabble player and I am certainly not trying to intimidate you or anything."
>Matthew: ADEFIIZ M8 .AZIFIED +94 408
#note MT: "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!"
>Nigel: DEEGIKN 10M .EK +18 59
#note NR: "I'm definitely not in your head, although I'm sure there would be adequate room."
>Matthew: ABEIORU F1 AEROBIU. +66 474
#note MT: "So what?! You're saying I have no brain?! Or that my head is big?! I get it! I have a large-ish head! No need to rub it in!"
>Nigel: DEFGINW O10 .INGED +39 98
#note NR: "My dear boy, I think you need to calm down. We're just having a friendly game here. No need to get paranoid. I'm not planning anything nefarious."
>Matthew: ADIIOOT 13A IODATIO. +70 544
#note MT: "Hey, six bingoes to open. That's a record!"
>Nigel: FHORSUW 9M .W +10 108
#note NR: "Doesn't count. WGPO is rating this."
>Matthew: CEEJT 1A EJECT. +54 598
#note MT: "Son of a..."
>Nigel: EFHORSU 2A FOH +46 154
#note NR: "Meanwhile, the 3x3 lines are disappearing fast. And your lead is quite large. Hrm... this won't be easy."
>Matthew: ADP E4 DAP +27 625
#note MT: "You're doing it again! 'This won't be easy.' Stop talking like it's even possible! It freaks me out because it means you're planning something! Stop it!!"
>Nigel: BEORSUU D10 S.U.RE +32 186
#note NR: "I guess I'd better open a triple lane at some point..."
>Matthew: LWY A12 W.LY +42 667
#note MT: "Closed! And now there is open one 3x3 lane left. So it isn't even possible for you to hit your requisite two 3x3's AND win this game. Woohoo, I get my mom's car back!"
>Nigel: BELOSTU H1 BOULE........TS +257 443
#note NR: "Hmm..."
>Matthew: CGLNTVX F10 C.L.X +36 703
#note MT: "Oh, of course. Yes, you played a 15-letter 3x3 though an 8-letter word on the board. Yeah, that's perfectly feasible. And, oh, look. If my tracking is right, you just drew into ANOTHER 15-letter 3x3 through another 8-letter word on the board! Of course, that's totally possible! How could I not have foreseen that totally plausible occurance?! And wait, it gets better. I don't have a single block. That's right, I have no way to block a word which spans the entire board. And even when I make my highest-scoring play, I still lose by - get this - ONE POINT. Of course, that's totally believable. NO!! THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN, NIGEL! HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?! IT JUST DOESN'T!! STUFF LIKE THAT JUST DOESN'T HAPPEN!!"
>Nigel: AELRRTU 8A ULTRA........ER +245 688
#note NR: "Really? Stuff like this seems to happen to me all the time."
>Nigel: (GNTV) +16 704
#note NR: "I wonder if my bike will fit in your dad's trunk."
Player 2
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