Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Nick Nick
#player2 Joey Joey
>Nick: LPY 8F PLY +16 16
>Joey: AEEEORT 7E TOEA +17 17
#note Maybe OE 8G instead.
>Nick: III -III +0 16
>Joey: EEENRWY 6E EWER +42 59
>Nick: ?EIORST 5G STORIEd +73 89
>Joey: AACENOY 5D AY +22 81
#note No idea what to do here. This seemed alright, but it felt like something better should have been available.
>Nick: EFZ 4B FEZ +52 141
>Joey: AACDENO L1 CANO. +20 101
>Nick: AGL 1L .LAG +21 162
>Joey: ADDEEJT C2 JE.D +31 132
#note I missed JEANED 3I.
>Nick: ENQU J2 QUE.N +36 198
>Joey: ADEMTTU 2C .UT +10 142
>Nick: ISU 2J .U.IS +34 232
>Joey: AADEIMT 1D MEDIA +42 184
>Nick: ENT F1 .ENT +20 252
>Joey: ?AAETVX 3I X. +17 201
>Nick: AR M1 ..AR. +14 266
>Joey: ?AAELTV 4L ..A +3 204
>Nick: BE 3A BE. +10 276
>Joey: ?AEGLTV A1 GA. +18 222
>Nick: IIIOOO -IIIOOO +0 276
>Joey: ?ELRRTV 8F ...ER +10 232
#note Yech. Maybe I should exchange again.
>Nick: HKOPS 9B KOPHS +24 300
>Joey: ?LORTVV -ORVV +0 232
#note Exchanging was a no-brainer this time.
>Nick: DI O3 ID +12 312
>Joey: ?BCLNST C7 BL.C +11 243
>Nick: AW E9 .AW +18 330
>Joey: ?FNNSTT -FNNT +0 243
#note Another no-brainer exchange. If it's the right move, it's the right move.
>Nick: EV J8 .EV +14 344
>Joey: ?OOORST D11 OOT +11 254
>Nick: GIINNRU 13B UN.IRING +74 418
>Joey: ?FLMORS 9I F.M +21 275
>Nick: DHIIIOT 14A OH +20 438
>Joey: ?LNORSV L9 SOLVeR +25 300
#note Missing VERSO L8 for a few more points.
>Nick: DIIIT H12 I.TI +15 453
>Joey: N A14 .N +6 306
#note MEDIAN 1D is the best out-play, for those of you who stayed up for the whole thing.
>Joey: (DI) +6 312
Player 2
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