Player 1 |
#player1 Vince_Castellano Vince Castellano
#player2 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
>Vince_Castellano: IIIIII -IIIIII +0 0
>Ryan_Fischer: BCDDGGN -BDDGG +0 0
#note Hey, I got it right!
>Vince_Castellano: UU -UU +0 0
>Ryan_Fischer: ACCINUV 8D VICUNA +30 30
>Vince_Castellano: EIMNRTT - +0 0
#note He says he got confused 'cause I exposed a G earlier and thought it was only spelled with the G.
>Ryan_Fischer: AAACEEI F6 AE.IA +11 41
#note Crazy racks I'm getting here. This is 2nd to ACA(C)IA for 18.
>Vince_Castellano: EIMNRTT E8 .NTERMIT +74 74
>Vince_Castellano: EIMNRTT -- -74 0
#note Lucky I caught that.
>Ryan_Fischer: ACEILOP 10F .LOPECIA +64 105
#note Although, I did pass up POE(T)ICAL. I think this is the best placement, as it forces him to expose the end of the word to the 2WS. I hope I draw an S.
>Vince_Castellano: EIMNRTT L4 INTERM.T +72 72
#note Of note, INTERMAT/MARTINET, which I guess he didn't know (or he may have played them earlier -- though that would have required him to notice NI*).
>Ryan_Fischer: EFORRST J4 FOREST.R +75 180
#note Forgot FOSTERER. Oops. Also, REFRONTS. I saw FROSTIER. Just glad I had the confidence to play this. At least it obscures the hook somewhat.
>Vince_Castellano: EW K5 WE +25 97
>Ryan_Fischer: DEEFIJX M6 EX +38 218
#note I don't like I1 FIXED 37. 7I F(E)D(E)X 44 is a winner! This is a close 3rd.
>Vince_Castellano: DHK 6D DH.K +12 109
>Ryan_Fischer: DEFIJQW I3 QI +26 244
>Vince_Castellano: LRU K10 .URL +18 127
>Ryan_Fischer: DEFIJOW D2 JOWE. +32 276
#note I doubted JOW(L)ED, but I think JOWE(D) is a bit better anyway. F(E)D(EX) is there again!
>Vince_Castellano: EHNY 3C H.NEY +30 157
>Ryan_Fischer: DFIIOSU 2B FU.I +35 311
#note Figured the points were worth the tradeoff and his play made mine score more. Love it when that happens!
>Vince_Castellano: ?EEILMN 1E hEMLINE +76 233
#note Meh. Nice find. Only better is LInEMEN.
>Ryan_Fischer: ADINOST 1A NOD +24 335
#note Q actually recommends OD there instead of TOD or NOD!
>Vince_Castellano: AY 5C Y.A +22 255
>Ryan_Fischer: ?AIPRST N8 PASTIeR +85 420
#note At this tourney, there was a prize for best word using three of BMPT. That in mind, I shoulda played mISPART. Oops. :)
>Vince_Castellano: ABDEEIT 13E EDITAB.E +63 318
>Ryan_Fischer: BDGNOTZ 12M B.Z +24 444
#note Don't see what's so bad about this. Plays at 2K rank higher... I guess to obscure that part of the board? But why open another easier 3WS?
>Vince_Castellano: AO H13 .AO +9 327
>Ryan_Fischer: DGGNOOT 9N .G +3 447
#note I see DOGGO. Would rather take out the hotspot. (A)G great restricts the damage he can do there (notably VULGAR).
>Vince_Castellano: AL O7 LA. +24 351
>Ryan_Fischer: DGGNOOT 12A DOGGO +22 469
#note Pulling the other G was fortunate, I guess.
>Vince_Castellano: ORSSUV C10 VU.S +16 367
#note 14G S(A)ROS 24, A10 SU(D)ORS 21.
>Ryan_Fischer: NT 14G T.N +7 476
>Ryan_Fischer: (ORS) +6 482