Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Magra Magra
#player2 Brad_Whitmarsh Brad Whitmarsh
>Magra: ACEERTV 8D CRAVE +26 26
>Brad_Whitmarsh: OZ F6 ZO. +32 32
>Magra: ADEHMOT 7H MHO +16 42
#note very odd. I misscored this play by 4 when I was counting it up and neither of us caught it. I'd like to think I would've done something else if I'd realized it wasn't many points. HOD wins the sim.
>Brad_Whitmarsh: ?ELNNSU E7 t.UNNELS +65 97
#note I think he should've played on the right side of the board if possible. the comebacks over there are likely to be pretty big.
>Magra: ADEFLTY 8J DAFTLY +54 96
#note didn't think of FLYTED
>Brad_Whitmarsh: AAITUY 6J YAUTIA +34 131
>Magra: EEEGIRT 13D G.EETIER +61 157
>Brad_Whitmarsh: EIMNRS O1 SEMIN.R. +42 173
>Magra: ?DDEGQW -DGQW +0 157
#note quackle says playing through is about even
>Brad_Whitmarsh: AACEIST 10A ESTA.CIA +68 241
>Magra: ?ADEIRV A3 DERIVAt. +86 243
#note I probably would've won the tournament if I had a 3x3 here, but no dice
>Brad_Whitmarsh: BFO N2 FOB +34 275
>Magra: ABGLOTX 11G TAXOL +28 271
#note why didn't I play up at the top-left? I have no idea.
>Brad_Whitmarsh: DLOT M3 DOL. +27 302
>Magra: BDEGKOP 10J BEG +24 295
>Brad_Whitmarsh: HISW B10 .WISH +22 324
#note I interpreted this is as a Q setup.
>Magra: DEKOOPR A12 POOD +44 339
>Brad_Whitmarsh: EIOW 3A .OWIE +18 342
>Magra: EGKNRTU 4D TRUNK +34 373
#note the key play. I thought that his last couple of plays indicated that he had the Q (he could be setting up a QUIN or QUIP play here) and I thought I would beat him on tempo if that was the case as long as he can't play QUAKE. quackle suggests a couple of reasonable plays that do slightly better like KORE or KNOT which both leave me huge Q plays if I draw the Q, although I have a hard time seeing how he wouldn't just play at D1.

quackle suggests that I'm actually a favorite here even without any inferences.
>Brad_Whitmarsh: AEIJNPU H1 JAU. +45 387
>Magra: EGINQR 14J RENIG +22 395
>Brad_Whitmarsh: EINP 15G PINE +21 408
>Brad_Whitmarsh: (Q) +20 428
Player 2
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