Player 1 |
#player1 Dave_Rauppius Dave Rauppius
#player2 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
>Dave_Rauppius: BDEOX 8D BOXED +36 36
>Ryan_Fischer: AALLRSY D8 .ALLY +20 20
#note Chickened out on ALLAY(E)RS. Blah. I don't like making plays like LAY 'cause they give easy counters. LA(X)LY might too.
>Dave_Rauppius: EP 7G PE +17 53
>Ryan_Fischer: AGIIORS 6G AGIO +17 37
>Dave_Rauppius: ??DEIQT 11D .IQuaTED +114 167
#note So this'll be one of those uphill battles! I'm game. :) Let's see how I do at catch-up...
>Ryan_Fischer: AIOORRS 5E ORRA +20 57
#note No W open. :(
>Dave_Rauppius: AEFFG 4H GAFFE +38 205
>Ryan_Fischer: IKORSTU 8A OUT..... +54 111
#note Ouch. OUTRISK* is really TURKOIS! I've seen that before, too (seen the K 7s, but it just didn't register like it should have).
>Dave_Rauppius: OO F7 O.O +15 220
>Ryan_Fischer: EIKNRST M4 STINKER +76 187
>Dave_Rauppius: AAST 8K TA.AS +30 250
>Ryan_Fischer: EELNRRU 5J REN. +26 213
#note Best. Yay~!
>Dave_Rauppius: AGU F11 .UAG +18 268
>Ryan_Fischer: AEELRSU 14C LEA.UERS +61 274
#note Serendipity~! I wonder if I'd remember to look for AURE(O)LES if this didn't go down. Sure hope so. I still need volatility, though, so it's not as if it'd help me otherwise.
>Dave_Rauppius: EINNSTU O8 .UNNIEST +77 345
#note Ow.
>Ryan_Fischer: BEORVYZ C5 BOR.Z +48 322
#note :)
>Dave_Rauppius: DHIW 15A WHID +46 391
>Ryan_Fischer: EHIJMVY H10 J.YV.E +66 388
#note :) ^ 2
>Dave_Rauppius: CLOV 13K CLOV. +20 411
>Ryan_Fischer: EHIIMNT 10J HI +29 417
#note I really thought in this position, with 3 left, I'd be in excellent shape to win.
>Dave_Rauppius: ACW B4 CAW +33 444
#note But I could not have foreseen, nor done much about, that.
>Ryan_Fischer: EIIMNNT N8 .MIE +20 437
#note Damn Ns! Well, Champ says 15J INTEN(T) which I saw, and was reminiscent of a play Cappelletto made through a disconnected I--E to win a game. AMIE doesn't even rank, presumably because my out of NIT(O)N loses. My play loses by less, at least.
>Dave_Rauppius: DEIMP L12 P.IE +14 458
#note He couldn't convince himself of PLED. Boy, have I been there.
>Ryan_Fischer: INNT E2 NIT.N +5 442
>Ryan_Fischer: (DM) +10 452