Player 1 |
#player1 c1983 c1983
#player2 dacrON dacrON
>c1983: EILNPTZ 8G ZIP +28 28
>dacrON: AEIINWW 9F WANE +28 28
#note cBB: I guess? WI(Z)?
>c1983: ADELMNT 7H DAMN +18 46
#note Mike: Apparently I'm supposed to fish the D with WANED. It looks too easy to block the board after it, though; I should probably play something like NAM 10H over this, though.
>dacrON: CEIIOUW -IIOUW +0 28
>c1983: ABELPST 10E LEPT +34 80
#note Mike: Again, am I really supposed to draw to STABLE and play ZAP? At least I'd have two lines if I hit...
>dacrON: ACEINQY 11D QI +26 54
>c1983: ABBDSWX 12E BAWD +17 97
#note Mike: Clearly worth it to cash out the S with BAWDS L3.
>dacrON: ACEINRY K5 CA.NERY +48 102
>c1983: BRSSTUX H12 .RUB +21 118
#note Mike: Completely forgot about BRUX.
>dacrON: EEEIIST 13G E.E +11 113
#note cBB: EE(R)IE wins the sim. I still don't like it.
>c1983: CIOSSTX 6I CO.X +29 147
>dacrON: ?EIIOST 15H .IOTItES +80 193
>c1983: EILSSTY 14J YETI +33 180
#note Mike: Why did I talk myself out of STYLISES?
>dacrON: AEILOOS L8 OLEO +17 210
>c1983: AGGLSSU 12L SLUG +24 204
#note Mike: GULAGS 5D is a hair better.
>dacrON: AHIINOS O8 OHIN. +27 237
>c1983: ADEGRST 10J D..G +10 214
#note Mike: GAT N8 wins in a runaway--not sure why.
>dacrON: AIILNSU 6I ....IAL +18 255
#note cBB: trade 2? No idea.
>c1983: AAERSTT 5K .AT +16 230
>dacrON: HIIKNSU 5E HUNKS +33 288
>c1983: ADERRST H1 STAR. +30 260
#note Mike: I think my thought process was "THUNK isn't the past tense of THINK..." Thinking fail!
>dacrON: AIIMOUV 6D VIM +29 317
#note Conrad: MIAOU? The board is open now, anyway. Terrible play.
>c1983: ?DEEFJR L4 F.. +26 286
#note Mike: Should probably just take JE(U) here.
>dacrON: AAEIORU 1H .OUARI +7 324
#note cBB: This sims 1st or 2nd on many ply, but I'm not convinced. In fact, I think it is a terrible, game losing play. What would anybody do here?
>c1983: ?DEEJRR 14F JE. +32 318
>dacrON: AEEFGOT 4D EAGE. +26 350
#note cBB: Q says EAGE(R) wins 100%. It doesn't if the V is in the bag. Keeping the E with AGE(R) wins unless the D(!) is in the bag. I didn't see AGE(R), as I was running low on time. Too bad.
>c1983: ?DENORR 3G D.N +13 331
#note cBB: Quackle says Mike's play loses, but after looking farther, it turns out he does not. Great play, Mike! FWIW, Mike was down to a minute here. Quackle says (EAGER)eR is the only win for him. Not so.
>dacrON: FOTV 3C OF +15 365
#note cBB: Out of time, I V-stuck myself. I didn't see any V play that scored enough to outrun his O column outplay, except VOT(E), which of course won't do. It apparently is the best play. Quackle can't figure this out, and still thinks I'll win (can't take into account the V stick?), but Mike plays the stick perfectly.
>c1983: ?EORR K13 R.. +3 334
#note cBB: That'll do it.
>dacrON: TV M5 ..T +4 369
#note cBB: I go over on time here. If I don't go over on time, Mike probably won't either, though, since he has less room for error. Still couldve smacked down (TI)T in time. Silly me.
>c1983: ?EOR F14 .O +9 343
#note Mike: I'm down inside 30 seconds, having not planned this sequence out. cBB: Neither of us had a clue what the score was. It all came down to figuring it out after :)
>dacrON: V - +0 369
>c1983: ?ER 9N E. +5 348
#note Mike: From here out, every move wins by 1 according to CP. Really 11, but I'm running very short on time...
>dacrON: V - +0 369
>c1983: ?R K1 .R +2 350
#note Down to one second.
>dacrON: V - +0 369
>c1983: ? G3 ...s +12 362
#note Mike: And overtime, as I try to write the blank before the beep and fail. Still, with Conrad over himself, it's enough. Final score 360-359. cBB: With us both over, the final score was 360-359. So the 1 point Quackle-breaking endgame goes the other way this time. Nice endgame, Mike!
>c1983: (V) +8 370 |