Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jason Jason
#player2 Alex_Fiszbein Alex Fiszbein
>Jason: DEILLOU 8D LOUIE +12 12
#note Now I know DUELLO and DUELLI.
>Alex_Fiszbein: ORX F6 RO.X +13 13
>Jason: ?CDEJLR 7E J. +18 30
>Alex_Fiszbein: EOORT D8 .OOTER +12 25
>Jason: ?CDEELR 9H RELaCED +63 93
>Alex_Fiszbein: BEN 8M BEN +22 47
>Jason: GIOQTTU N4 TOQU.. +36 129
#note Phony. QUI(L)T is the best valid play.
>Alex_Fiszbein: ACDEN 4I DECAN. +18 65
>Jason: GGIIIKT -GGIIIK +0 129
#note Just didn't want to play my way through this, esp. since I didn't want to lose ground in the turnover battle.
>Alex_Fiszbein: EFIW C10 WIFE +36 101
>Jason: ADIMTTU B7 MUTT +16 145
#note DI(C)TUM is the star play.
>Alex_Fiszbein: AAN A7 ANA +21 122
>Jason: ?ADEIIS 3C SEDIlIA +70 215
#note Alex then claimed that I'd "drawn everything." Perhaps it worked; I saw none of the last four power tiles.
>Alex_Fiszbein: AENORRS 2I SERRANO +72 194
#note For someone who's drawn everything and played decently, I'm not ahead by a lot...
>Jason: AAHILNR 1M NAH +37 252
>Alex_Fiszbein: ADP 2D DAP +28 222
>Jason: AEEILLR 4A RAIL +20 272
#note LIE is probably an improvement.
>Alex_Fiszbein: HOY 10I HOY +24 246
#note Was glad to see Alex give my E a nice home and kill a couple lanes.
>Jason: BEEGLPT 11J BEG +27 299
>Alex_Fiszbein: FIKSTUV A1 SKI.T +27 273
>Jason: EGILPTY K1 P.I.Y +24 323
>Alex_Fiszbein: UV L11 .UV +14 287
#note Alex finally opens, but it's too late as the pool is bad and he burned the last S playing SKIRT. Right?
>Jason: EGGLMOT 5C MEG +22 345
#note MO(JO) is the star play. But this is decent, third and winning 90+ percent.
>Alex_Fiszbein: AFIISVZ B13 FIZ +36 323
>Jason: EGLNOTW E12 WELT +23 368
#note WO(V)EN is one better, except that I thought he had no out and was trying to guarantee an out myself.
>Alex_Fiszbein: AISV 14J VISA +23 346
#note Thinking Alex had VAIR, I was surprised to see this go down. Fortunately my mistracking didn't cost me.
>Alex_Fiszbein: (GNO) +8 354
Player 2
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