Game Details
Player 1
#player1 brian_g brian g
#player2 guess_who? guess who?
>brian_g: AFG H7 FAG +14 14
>guess_who?: ACDLRUU 9H .URU +6 6
#note See if you can guess who I am. The commentary will be minimized so as not to offer hints to my identity.
>brian_g: EILLOSV L4 VILLOSE +78 92
>guess_who?: ACDEIIL 6J CI.IA +15 21
>brian_g: MW 8K M.W +12 104
>guess_who?: AADEELR 8K ...ER +30 51
>brian_g: DFOR M10 FORD +21 125
>guess_who?: AADEILY 12J DEA.LY +28 79
>brian_g: ANV 11I VAN +19 144
>guess_who?: ?AIIIOO -AIIIOO +0 79
>brian_g: LOST 14L LOTS +17 161
>guess_who?: ??BEGMR 8A BREGMat. +89 168
>brian_g: ANTUU E4 AUTU.N +16 177
>guess_who?: ABEEGTW D2 WEB +24 192
#note Who would play GAYEST? I am not Who.
>brian_g: EO 13M .OE +13 190
>guess_who?: AEGIQRT 5K Q. +44 236
>brian_g: AEIOSTT B1 TOASTIE. +70 260
>guess_who?: AEGIIRT 15H TRAGI +24 260
>brian_g: EN A1 EN +14 274
>guess_who?: CEEIIIX -CIII +0 260
>brian_g: AENP 14G NEAP +26 300
>guess_who?: AEEHXYZ C7 H.Y +26 286
#note HEX, looking forward to 2D WIZ or 13F ZANY, esssentially devalues the X.
>brian_g: IOP C3 POI +28 328
>guess_who?: AEENOXZ 13C AXONE +29 315
#note Where is a damned I when you need one? I took 4 or 5 minutes to play when i should have taken less than a minute.
>brian_g: HIJR N2 HIJR. +30 358
>guess_who?: CDEKOSZ 12A COZES +69 384
#note Brian miscounted POI as 26 rather than 28. With the correct game score, I believe this loses by 1 whereas ZED should win.
>brian_g: DEIINT A10 IN.ITE +24 382
>guess_who?: DK 3M K.D +16 400
>guess_who?: (D) +4 404
Player 2
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