Player 1 |
#player1 Mike_Lean Mike Lean
#player2 Lorraine_Burton Lorraine Burton
>Mike_Lean: ??DLOSS H6 fLOSSeD +66 66
#note dur what a waste
>Lorraine_Burton: FILU 12D FLUI. +18 18
>Mike_Lean: GIIOPRT 10C PIROG. +11 77
>Mike_Lean: GIIOPRT -- -11 66
#note i thought 100% this was good. grr
>Lorraine_Burton: AAACHOO -??????? +0 18
>Mike_Lean: GIIOPRT F10 PT.I +12 78
#note i don't get what's so bad about this play. not much to choose from here
>Lorraine_Burton: EIT G8 TIE +14 32
>Mike_Lean: AAGIOOR E9 GOA. +20 98
#note best
>Lorraine_Burton: EEJ 6F JE.E +26 58
>Mike_Lean: ACDIOQR D8 RAD +16 114
#note just pitiful i didn't think of cad
>Lorraine_Burton: AMTT 5I MATT +16 74
>Mike_Lean: ACNOQST L3 QA. +24 138
#note i didn't see qat C7. was my head on straight? i might have been scared of a bingo and trying to block matte, i forget though
>Lorraine_Burton: ACW C7 CAW +28 102
>Mike_Lean: CINNOSW M3 IN +28 166
#note i strongly considered WIN, but was too scared of TWIN. strongly coinsidered COIN, but didn't think it was worth the extra 8 points if i'm already up, i really don't want to give her easy points on that triple. i don't see quackle's thought process in using the S here if there's only 1 left
>Lorraine_Burton: IKNS N3 SINK +33 135
#note k now i really have the last S
>Mike_Lean: ACLNOSW O6 AWL +24 190
#note way up there, quackle wants me to use the O
>Lorraine_Burton: EORV M6 OVER +19 154
>Mike_Lean: CDNOSUY L8 YOD +22 212
#note up there. yucas J2 would have been nice. is the last S worth 11 points?
>Lorraine_Burton: ABH 11J BAH +27 181
>Mike_Lean: ACEGNSU 4D UNCAGE +27 239
#note wish i knew cangues, for some reason this simmed barely behind the bingo though. i'm at 80% now
>Lorraine_Burton: OX 3C OX +27 208
>Mike_Lean: EENOOOS E3 O.O +16 255
#note more beautiful racks. i should have grown a pair and just played yodhs
>Lorraine_Burton: BIR H1 BRI. +21 229
#note this B is going to haunt my dreams
>Mike_Lean: EEGINOS 8A GE.. +15 270
#note i missed soignee. i was thinking so hard about genoise i didn't even think about soignee. holy crap.
>Lorraine_Burton: DEH 3G H.DE +32 261
>Mike_Lean: EEINORS A4 ERIN.OES +60 330
#note only playable bingo. i'm set now, right
>Lorraine_Burton: AEPRRTU 1G A.RUPTER +63 324
#note fml
>Mike_Lean: IILTUVZ 2A ZIT +26 356
#note epic draw after that bingo. this is clearly best
>Lorraine_Burton: EF B5 EF +28 352
#note g1
>Mike_Lean: ILUV G3 ..V. +10 366
#note this play still sims 90%, where am i going to be able to go out
>Lorraine_Burton: MNNY 2E MY +21 373
>Mike_Lean: ILU K5 .UI +3 369
#note according to our score, it was 365-371. i was thinking LI, but where the hell am i putting the U if i play it? i thought for like 7 minutes about this. i thought somehow there would be a SLIGHT chance of winning if i played TUI then YELL. bleh i dunno
>Lorraine_Burton: ENN 12J EN +8 381
>Mike_Lean: L 8L ..L. +7 376
>Lorraine_Burton: ?N - +0 381
#note final scored to us 377-379. recounted and got 378-381. missing soignee clearly lost the game for me. tough one.
#rack1 ?????? |