Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Bing Bing
>Noah: CMOQTTU -COMTT +0 0
#note Noah: Wasn't sure of MOTT. COT, MOC, MOT should be better than this though.
>Bing: ABCEENO 8D BEACON +26 26
>Noah: AAENNQU F5 AQU. +33 33
>Bing: DEFIOZ? E3 FIZ +52 78
>Noah: AEGNNTX D3 EX +41 74
>Bing: ?DEEOPU I2 gEEPOU.D +64 142
>Noah: ACEGNNT 5I .ANG +14 88
#note "Didn't think of CANE/GANE. Yuch yuch yuch."
>Bing: AJMMSST 9C JAMS +43 185
#note That's the secret: score early, score often.
>Noah: CEEINTT E8 ..ETIC +20 108
>Bing: AAMNSTT J4 T.M +23 208
>Noah: AEGLNTY H1 YANG +39 147
>Bing: AADNRST 12B RAD.ANTS +70 278
>Noah: EEILLTT H10 LI.TLE +18 165
#note "ELECT is neat. Maybe better."
>Bing: BEIINPS L1 PIIN. +22 300
#note Missed PI G5.
>Noah: DEFNORT 10B FOR. +29 194
>Bing: ABEEERS 13A REBE. +31 331
>Noah: ?DEGNOT 1L .ONG +21 215
#note "Wanted to open. Didn't see GOLDToNE or LODGmENT :(."
>Bing: AEESTUY 14B TYES +43 374
>Noah: ?DEHIOT 13G a.HETOID +90 305
#note Nice shot, but not quite a homer. THEODIcY would've been an epic blow.
>Bing: AEIRRUV A7 VERA +29 403
>Noah: DEIILOW N10 WID.IE +38 343
>Bing: IORUUVW L11 VR.UW +30 433
#note I saw that I could lose to HALLOOS if KR was in the bag, but any kind of blocking play rated to give up a huge amount of spread in most scenarios. But why didn't I see VIEW for 42?
>Noah: AKLLORS 2A LARK +30 373
>Bing: HIOOU O8 OHO +23 456
>Noah: LOS J8 SOL +19 392
>Noah: (IU) +4 396
Player 2
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