Player 1 |
#player1 Mike_Lean Mike Lean
#player2 Jim_Clark Jim Clark
>Mike_Lean: DEEOORV H4 DOOVE +22 22
>Mike_Lean: DEEOORV -- -22 0
#note bingoboy is going to KILL me when he sees what I did. For some reason I just felt the need to do this. I saw OVERDO, I saw DOVE, but I knew NRS gave me an 8, and if he doesn't challenge, hey 22 points and ER leave. Let's get crazy.
>Jim_Clark: ABIISW 8D WASIBI +30 30
#note i knew that shit wasn't good.
>Mike_Lean: DEEOORV F2 OVERDO.E +68 68
#note LOL
>Jim_Clark: MOTU 5B TUMO. +14 44
>Mike_Lean: AEEEGLR 3D LE.ERAGE +64 132
#note bingo bango woo woo
>Jim_Clark: ?ADEGNT L3 DrAGNET +82 126
#note ok this is definitely going to be a fun game
>Mike_Lean: DELNOXZ 10B ZONED +57 189
#note more scoring frenzy
>Jim_Clark: IQTU 7I QUI.T +46 172
#note jeez. well i can't wait to destroy that back hook.
>Mike_Lean: AADLLPX 11C PAX +48 237
#note best, like the rest
>Jim_Clark: HM G7 H.M +31 203
>Mike_Lean: ADFLLRY N6 YALD +31 268
#note simmed terribly, lol. was so focused on this spot i didn't even look for something like DRAFTY B1. oh well.
>Jim_Clark: ACT H1 CA.T +21 224
>Mike_Lean: EFILORT O1 LOFTIER +104 372
#note just filthy. 3 bingos with no power tiles.. pretty rare for anyone i feel like. honestly wasn't 100% on quintar, but no guts no glory right?
>Jim_Clark: AG 4D AG. +22 246
>Mike_Lean: LOPSSUY B2 LUS.Y +32 404
#note talked myself out of POSY 12A, LOL. but the LUS leave from POSY made my decision a bit easier. this didn't sim much further behind anyway.
>Jim_Clark: AEHINRS M9 ARSHINE +77 323
>Jim_Clark: AEHINRS -- -77 246
#note wow..
>Mike_Lean: ABIOPRS A6 BOP +28 432
#note let's try and bingo one more time before this game is over.. AIRS should help
>Jim_Clark: AEHINRS K5 HA.R +29 275
>Mike_Lean: AEFIRRS 2H .FAR +21 453
>Jim_Clark: ?EEINNS O9 ENgINES +74 349
>Mike_Lean: EINRSVW 12A VIEW +45 498
#note swerving.. damn.. oh well this still scored a lot
>Jim_Clark: EIIJNOT N2 JO +41 390
>Mike_Lean: EIINRST 11H RESITIN. +64 562
#note woooo only playable bingo. sweet game.. 4 bingos and 586 points, averaging 53 points a turn, with SSXZ. i had 588 at the tournament because i counted PAX as 50 woops. all time high score either way
>Mike_Lean: (CIKNOU) +24 586