Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Chris_Williams Chris Williams
#player2 Evans_Clinchy Evans Clinchy
>Chris_Williams: AIMTY 8H AMITY +28 28
>Evans_Clinchy: ?DDGILS H7 S.DDLInG +61 61
#note This only sims 2-3 points better than passing up the bingo and playing GIDDY for 22. Interesting. I didn't even consider it.
>Chris_Williams: ABEK L4 BEAK. +28 56
>Evans_Clinchy: GIJLNOR 11E ROL.ING +32 93
#note I thought this was a great idea since it set up the J for a possible TAJ-type play next turn. But this just isn't enough points to justify blowing up a bingo-prone rack, especially with the board fairly open early on. Sim prefers JOG 14F.
>Chris_Williams: CENV F10 C.VEN +18 74
>Evans_Clinchy: EEHJPWZ 5G WHEEZ. +42 135
#note Sim says JEEZ 5K is better. I didn't like opening the Z for easy points, but my play is weak because I don't really have any plan for using the J. I'm still not sure which option is best.
>Chris_Williams: AARSU M1 AURAS +36 110
#note I guess he still has scoring counterplays either way. Really makes me reconsider my play...
>Evans_Clinchy: EJOPRTV 1L J.PE +63 198
>Chris_Williams: EO 4G OE +14 124
>Evans_Clinchy: DEIORTV D9 VIDEO +28 226
#note Weak. DIVOT or VOIDER in the same spot is a much better play. Not sure what I was thinking here.
>Chris_Williams: EENQSU 15A QUEENS +59 183
>Evans_Clinchy: INRRTTY 3C NITTY +37 263
>Chris_Williams: FLR D1 FL.R +22 205
>Evans_Clinchy: ?NORRTU 1D .UROR +24 287
>Chris_Williams: AAMNORS 6A RAMONAS +73 278
>Evans_Clinchy: ?AAHNTX A2 ANTH.AX +54 341
#note Too lazy to look from the E in the top-right corner. Didn't find EXHALANT.
>Chris_Williams: EOP 7C OPE +17 295
>Evans_Clinchy: ?GIIIOT 14H .IG +9 350
#note Crappy rack, might as well use it to block bingo lanes. This is the wrong way to do it, though, since he might have DOWABLE or TOWABLE in line 15. GIGOT K11 and INTI J10 are both better blocking plays.
>Chris_Williams: DI 9H .ID +14 309
>Evans_Clinchy: ?EIIOTU 15J OUTvIE +21 371
#note I had enough time left to look through the pool and make sure there was no possible outbingo, so I played this for the points and the chance of going out next turn.
>Chris_Williams: ABCELOT 14N BO +18 327
>Evans_Clinchy: FIW J2 WIF. +18 389
>Evans_Clinchy: (CLEAT) +14 403
Player 2
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