Player 1 |
#player1 Kenji_Matsumoto Kenji Matsumoto
#player2 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
>Kenji_Matsumoto: DEORSTY 8F DESTROY +80 80
#note Wonder why he didn't just play STROYED?
>Ryan_Fischer: FKLLRTU L4 FLUK. +30 30
>Kenji_Matsumoto: NTW G7 W.NT +12 92
>Ryan_Fischer: EEILRST 10C RETI.LES +62 92
#note Shit, I missed STERILE. The Y was offputting. Those 16 points would've come in handy!
>Kenji_Matsumoto: FLP D9 P.LF +18 110
>Ryan_Fischer: AEEINOV 11B VE.A +20 112
#note K3 VOE 21.
>Kenji_Matsumoto: ADEZ M1 DAZE +33 143
>Ryan_Fischer: EEGINOO 8F .......ING +45 157
#note *facepalm* H1 OOGENIE(S) 85. Ugh.
>Kenji_Matsumoto: CEEHO 1H ECHOE. +39 182
>Ryan_Fischer: AEEOOSX N5 OXE. +27 184
#note Well, he blocked where I wanted to play EXO(D)OS, but I didn't take enough time to look for F5 EXO(D)O(I) 37. AXONE is better than OXEN and EXON.
>Kenji_Matsumoto: AILMNOR 12D .ORMALIN +67 249
#note He said later other top experts would be annoyed at how long it took him to play this. I didn't think anything of it. The perceived bagging, however (well, not, considering how much equity I've dropped to still be up 2 before this play). Crazy. INFORMAL FORMALIN I won't soon forget now.
>Ryan_Fischer: ACEINOS L10 CASINO +46 230
#note At least this is best. Both blanks unseen and at least I'm drawing 6...
>Kenji_Matsumoto: ?AADEIV O8 .rAVIDAE +89 338
#note Aw.
>Ryan_Fischer: AEEPQTT N12 QAT +42 272
#note Thankful for small miracles.
>Kenji_Matsumoto: BBGIMO 15H BIMB. +33 371
#note He said it was between this and GOMB(O) -- Q says he chose right.
>Ryan_Fischer: AEEIPRT 2B PEATIER +74 346
#note Back in it!
>Kenji_Matsumoto: GORY 1A GORY +51 422
#note But not for long!
>Ryan_Fischer: EGJRSUW 13A JUGS +34 380
#note Well, champ says O4 JEU 29. I think... maybe with two Us out it has a teeny bit of merit. I have to score and hope to get incredibly lucky to catch him. I wasn't even thinking too much about bingoing, but I know without the last E I'm kind of lost, so JEWS was out. JUGS, it was, because there's no really good S hook left. Fishing for GADJE was in the back of my mind. 68 mighta done it, but the odds are so slim.
>Kenji_Matsumoto: ADHOTUU 3G HAD +25 447
#note From his perspective, I could have WINNERS or DINNERS -- but I don't see how that makes sense 'cause he played HAD. I didn't see the spot until he pointed out the one for WINNERS, but he was confident I would have seen it. So OUTHAU(L) loses there. He was gunshy about 4s, so eschewed HAUT for HAD. The spot, if you didn't see it either, was 3D. Champ says 6N (X)U, which doesn't make a lot of sense, I don't think. Neither does 14I THA(N) 36. Or (J)UT. He had it right, I think, with HAUT, which, what do you know, jumps to the top of the sim almost immediately, with HAD 11 pts and 10% behind.
>Ryan_Fischer: ?EINNRW A13 .IN +30 410
#note Champ says A13 (J)IN 30 is best, but who knows if it can win. I don't think so, but I can get close.
>Kenji_Matsumoto: IOOTUU 2J OI +13 460
#note Champ says Kenji should play TI to block my setup, if I'm predicting what Champ will say next correctly.
>Ryan_Fischer: ?ENRW 3A WeER +28 438
#note O1 ReNEW 29 and out gets me +37, a spread of -13. I didn't think he could go out, and I was low on time, so I thought I'd play twice. (I didn't SEE RENEW at the time; just REWIN).
>Kenji_Matsumoto: OTUU 14I TO +12 472
>Ryan_Fischer: N D1 ...N +14 452
>Ryan_Fischer: (UU) +4 456
#note Well, not bad, but not great, and I overscored one of my plays by 1 point along the way.