Player 1 |
#player1 John_O'laughlin John O'laughlin
#player2 Barncat Barncat
>John_O'laughlin: IIIIIII -IIIIII +0 0
>Barncat: BEFGILN 8D FLING +26 26
#note I'm really curious about the possibility of exchanging B here.
>John_O'laughlin: ?ADEIWY H8 .uIDEWAY +98 98
>Barncat: ABENPTU E7 B.UNT +14 40
#note UNADEPT 11E is the star play here. Without seeing that, I didn't know what to do. UP(FLING), maybe? Is BAP suicidal this early?
>John_O'laughlin: ANW F6 WA.N +21 119
>Barncat: AEEFIPP G10 PEP +18 58
#note Missed another star play, PIF(FLING). Not sure how I convinced myself that PEP was even close to reasonable.
>John_O'laughlin: OOOOOOO -OOOOO +0 119
>Barncat: AEFIIIL -AFIIIL +0 58
#note Nothing looks attractive, but AALII 14H at least offers a setup. I still don't know whether saving the F with AEL or AIL to exchange is better than AALII or keeping just 3.
>John_O'laughlin: ?DEKMOS 14G D.rKSOME +98 217
#note Yep, I totally deserved this.
>Barncat: CEEEIIT D11 ETIC +14 72
#note Frustration was setting in now. I can either exchange again and go for the bingo or start scoring points. CE(r)E I12 does the latter, but I managed to screw it up. I like CEI(BA), too, about as much as anything else.
>John_O'laughlin: DHLO 15L HOLD +51 268
>Barncat: AEEEIOY -AEEEIOY +0 72
#note Torn between YEA C11 and trashing all seven. I just didn't see any hope in keeping EEIO.
>John_O'laughlin: ERX C11 REX +43 311
>Barncat: CHOOQST G3 COHO +17 89
#note COHOST? COSH? Or is blowing the board open with COHO good enough? I really don't know.
>John_O'laughlin: AFG H4 FAG +32 343
>Barncat: ENNQSTU 10G ..QUET +19 108
#note THANE 5F, maybe? The game is lost, but I don't know the proper course for saving spread spoints here.
>John_O'laughlin: AEGLOSS M6 GLOSSAE +78 421
>Barncat: AENNNOS 8L N.NA +15 123
#note Missed NOON in the same spot.
>John_O'laughlin: AMZ 5G ..MZA +38 459
>Barncat: EILNORS L1 LIONS +32 155
#note Had a shot at ROOFLINES, but Olaf blocked it.
>John_O'laughlin: DITY J2 DIT.Y +30 489
>Barncat: AEEERRV 1L .AVE +21 176
#note Missed ELVER.
>John_O'laughlin: IJRV 12J JIV.R +30 519
>Barncat: AEEORRR 4C RERO.. +18 194
#note Finally did something right. ARROBA 7A doesn't offer a draw at any triple-triples.
>John_O'laughlin: EU J12 .U.E +15 534
>Barncat: AEIRRTT 8A TRI..... +36 230
>John_O'laughlin: ABEIIOU N1 .IBE +18 552
>Barncat: AERT 3B TARE +16 246
>Barncat: (AIOU) +8 254