Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Evans_Clinchy Evans Clinchy
#player2 Chris_Cree Chris Cree
>Evans_Clinchy: ADEEGLZ 8G DEGLAZE +106 106
>Chris_Cree: UU -UU +0 0
>Evans_Clinchy: BEEERRT L4 BREE.E +34 140
#note I can't possibly blow a 140-0 lead. Game over. You can stop watching now.
>Chris_Cree: NOX M8 .XON +36 36
>Evans_Clinchy: ADLMRTU K8 .LMUD +26 166
#note Not a good play. I wasn't sure that MUDRA was a word, sadly, and I missed a few other things that might also be better.
>Chris_Cree: IQ M3 QI +26 62
>Evans_Clinchy: AAACLRT I8 .ALA +6 172
#note I spent a long time on this play. I really didn't want to open the board with a play in line N, although RATAL and ACTA are definitely juicy equity-wise. I ended up with a weirdly defensive move that probably isn't right. I missed LACTAM 10F, which I might have played had I seen it.
>Chris_Cree: CENORTV 13G CONVERT +91 153
>Evans_Clinchy: ACIMRTT N1 CRIT +28 200
#note Lots of decent options here, I have no idea what's best. The sim recommends COMA H12; I decided to leave the H12 spot open and keep my M. I'd like to score something next turn if I can't bingo.
>Chris_Cree: EFILNOS 6F FELONI.S +71 224
>Evans_Clinchy: AEKMNNT H12 M.NK +39 239
>Chris_Cree: ARW N10 WAR +29 253
>Evans_Clinchy: AEENNOT 5D NEONATE +77 316
>Chris_Cree: EHTV 1K VET.H +42 295
>Evans_Clinchy: ABEIOPY O8 OBEY +39 355
>Chris_Cree: IIII -IIII +0 295
>Evans_Clinchy: AAEIIPU -AAEIIPU +0 355
#note Definitely should have kept the case E. I got a little too blank-obsessed here.
>Chris_Cree: GGO D5 .OGG +8 303
#note Not gonna lie, this play made my head explode.
>Evans_Clinchy: FIIIOTY J12 I.Y +20 375
#note Statically this comes up first, and it also serves to block off bingos through the K a little bit (although I wish there were a way to cut off the -LIKE possibility).
>Chris_Cree: AJR 10F JAR. +27 330
>Evans_Clinchy: FIIORTW 11D FROW +34 409
#note This puts me up 79 on a dying board. Looks like I'm probably winning this game unless... I dunno, I do two titanically stupid things in a row or something.
>Chris_Cree: EHPS H1 SEPH.. +45 375
#note This is complete dogshit*. Actually, no, this is worse than dogshit*, because at least dogshit* looks like a semi-plausible word, whereas this ugly combination of six random letters is just dogshit*.
>Evans_Clinchy: ADIIITU -ADIIITU +0 409
#note So first I allow the ugly, ugly phony. But I can probably still win the game if I just play something lame to block the bingo lane, right? Something like AUDITS, or DAUTIE maybe? Doesn't score anything, but it'll still get the job done. But I didn't leave myself enough time to think this through, and for some reason I got paranoid that he might outrun a lower-scoring play without a bingo. So I traded all seven, thinking that (a) there were two blanks and two esses out so I liked what the pool had to offer; and (b) knowing his exact rack would be a huge tactical advantage in the pre-endgame. Somehow I completely failed to consider that both points would be irrelevant if he bingoed. Which of course he's likely to do, since as I was just saying, there were two blanks and two esses out. What an unbelievably terrible play.
>Chris_Cree: ?DIOPST 1A DISPOrT. +89 464
>Evans_Clinchy: ?AAISUU 8A qUA. +12 421
#note Best is AURA 12A, for some reason. I'm way too demoralized at this point to bother figuring that one out.
>Chris_Cree: ADIIITU 10B DUI +13 477
>Evans_Clinchy: AISU 12C IS +16 437
#note This is unblockable, so it's better to take TAU G1 first. He can block TAU with TIPI.
>Chris_Cree: AIIT 13A AIT +10 487
#note Or he can miss TIPI.
>Evans_Clinchy: AU 15F AU. +7 444
#note And I can miss TAU. Ugly ending to an ugly game.
>Evans_Clinchy: (I) +2 446
Player 2
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