Player 1 |
#player1 Winter Winter
#player2 Dan_Stock Dan Stock
>Winter: ?AEEIIT -EII +0 0
>Dan_Stock: AAAAA -AAAAA +0 0
>Winter: ?AENOTU 8C AUTOmEN +64 64
>Dan_Stock: AADEQRT D7 Q.ADRATE +86 86
#note This could be good, because I literally just finished, during lunch, going over a list of 7 and 8-letter ATE words that don't take an S. But will my rack contain an S?
>Winter: ALTVWWZ 7H WALTZ +26 90
#note NO!!! I GET DRECK!!! Going for the turnover, hoping to get that S or D before Dan.
>Dan_Stock: INSY 15A YINS +44 130
#note Oh boy, trouble.
>Winter: AEIOOVW 8L AVOW +45 135
>Dan_Stock: FFIR L7 ..FFIR +42 172
#note Here comes the luckbag.
>Winter: EEGHIIO E6 GI.E +18 153
>Dan_Stock: ADEMOPS 13F POMADES +86 258
#note Son of a bitch.
>Winter: AEHIKOT H12 A.OK +33 186
>Dan_Stock: RY 10L .RY +17 275
#note Now and for the rest of the game, it's all about Dan blocking, blocking, blocking--not even playing--just blocking.
>Winter: ?EHHIOT K11 HO. +24 210
#note Have to leave the Y open, obviously.
>Dan_Stock: DIRS N10 .IRDS +18 293
>Winter: ?EHIOTT F4 THO +13 223
#note Not that the K was great, but now I have no choice but to give up points to open the board, and I need to do it now while I have the O. Quackle's fave of OH is going to lose. A tight board loses.
>Dan_Stock: CLMU 4B MULC. +18 311
#note Always with the blocking.
>Winter: ?CEINTV C3 C.TE +12 235
#note I have to play something he can't block without opening up.
>Dan_Stock: EP E2 PE. +7 318
>Winter: ?EIJNUV K5 JU. +20 255
>Dan_Stock: BEOSX 1A BOXES +53 371
#note AARRGHH!!!
>Winter: ?EILNRV 11D .EV +12 267
>Dan_Stock: GO 10B GO. +9 380
>Winter: ?IILNNR 14B LI.N +14 281
>Dan_Stock: IN 5K .IN +10 390
>Winter: ?IILNRT 2A IN +12 293
#note Just flailing now.
>Dan_Stock: EEGINRU 2E .UREEING +65 455
#note As if my spread weren't bad enough.
>Winter: ?BDILRT - +0 293
#note Oh, why not challenge?
>Dan_Stock: AAEE 4L AE +10 465
>Winter: ?BDILRT H1 B.eDI +27 320
#rack2 AE |