Player 1 |
#player1 Chuck_Armstrong Chuck Armstrong
#player2 Winter Winter
>Chuck_Armstrong: AAAAA -AAAAA +0 0
>Winter: CDFIOTZ 8G FIZ +30 30
>Chuck_Armstrong: EOY I5 OYE. +17 17
>Winter: CDDKNOT 7F TOK.D +23 53
#note HUGE miss on COK(E)D--since I'm trying to prevent Chuck from bingoing.
>Chuck_Armstrong: EGI J4 GIE. +17 34
>Winter: CDEJNNU 5F UNJ..NED +32 85
>Chuck_Armstrong: ??DEIMN E7 sIDeMEN +76 110
#note Well at least they are out of the way--if I can tie the game and close the board, I might have a chance, because this guy likes to bingo.
>Winter: CORSTTW D12 WORT +28 113
#note No real choice but to take the points. I pick this spot to block up more lines (E, N, and maybe M).
>Chuck_Armstrong: AEOV 15A OVA.E +24 134
>Winter: CELQRST 8D Q. +21 134
>Chuck_Armstrong: ABP 4L BAP +25 159
>Winter: CELRSTT O1 CREST +33 167
>Chuck_Armstrong: SU 3M SU. +18 177
>Winter: EGHLNTY C10 THEY +38 205
>Chuck_Armstrong: AIIRSST 1H TRIASSI. +83 260
#note Goddamn it, I just can't keep this guy from bingoing!
>Winter: GLNOORU 10E .URO +5 210
#note Even down as I am, (CREST)ING can get me back in the game, and there are plenty of Is, so I don't want to give up the GN for paltry points. Exchanging gives me best shot at I, but I might also need to bingo to win, which is why I want to open up the board.
>Chuck_Armstrong: AF 2J FA +28 288
>Winter: AAGLNOU -AOUL +0 210
#note Again, I don't want to give up GN for a few points. Technically the 33 I might score with (CREST)ING doesn't outweigh giving up the turn, but I also want to lengthen the game, and playing 5 or 6 tiles for less than 20 points doesn't do that. I would rather play just 3 tiles for 33, keep the A, and have a another hook to bingo from.
>Chuck_Armstrong: DELW 11H WELD +21 309
>Winter: AGILNRV O1 .....ING +33 243
#note I might have a chance, but I HAVE to bingo.
>Chuck_Armstrong: ABEN N6 BEAN +27 336
#note And Chuck has to stop scoring.
>Winter: ALOORTV A11 OVOL. +12 255
#note Definitely not going to win, but I'm still hoping to cut the spread with a bingo. VOLTA gives up too much--no point playing it.
>Chuck_Armstrong: CGIIN M9 ICING +21 357
>Winter: AAEHRTU L8 UH +12 267
#note Still trying to bingo, and don't want to block that G.
>Chuck_Armstrong: EL 12H EL +12 369
>Winter: AAAEIRT 13L A. +3 270
#note What the hell, might as well go for AMIRATE. For one, I figure that if Chuck had the M, he would have played it instead of the L.
>Chuck_Armstrong: AELMOPX 14G POLEAX +26 395
>Winter: AAEIRRT 15K TERAI +31 301
>Chuck_Armstrong: M H14 .M +12 407
>Chuck_Armstrong: (AR) +4 411