Game Details
Player 1
#player1 cecilia cecilia
#player2 scott_jackson scott jackson
>cecilia: IIII -IIII +0 0
>scott_jackson: LOPY 8F PLOY +18 18
>cecilia: EEFGINS G5 FEE.INGS +64 64
>scott_jackson: EINORVW 11D WIN.OVER +110 128
>cecilia: DEINNUY - +0 64
#note challenge
>scott_jackson: EKMOS H1 SMOKE +53 181
>cecilia: AEJN 12A JANE +48 112
>scott_jackson: AIO A12 .IAO +33 214
>cecilia: DIQ B11 Q.DI +35 147
>scott_jackson: AALSTUY K5 SALUTA.Y +72 286
>cecilia: EVW 10J W.VE +31 178
>scott_jackson: HO J5 OH +28 314
>cecilia: ADENRSU N9 ASUNDER +83 261
>scott_jackson: FORZ M6 FROZ. +49 363
>cecilia: HTU 15L HU.T +33 294
>scott_jackson: LOX O7 LOX +49 412
>cecilia: OP F6 PO. +25 319
>scott_jackson: II -II +0 412
>cecilia: GM I7 G.M +14 333
>scott_jackson: ABDEGIR 14F BRIGADE +74 486
#note what the hell am I doing?
>cecilia: BT H13 B.T +15 348
>scott_jackson: ?DEINNT 1A DENTINe. +77 563
>cecilia: AU 12K .UA. +14 362
>scott_jackson: ?CEEILR A1 .ERELICt +83 646
>cecilia: AACEIRT N2 CRATE +25 387
>scott_jackson: IT 10E TI. +11 657
>scott_jackson: (AI) +4 661
Player 2
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