Player 1 |
#player1 Matt_Canik Matt Canik
#player2 Stephen_Sneed Stephen Sneed
>Matt_Canik: ABEGORR 8D BEGORRA +76 76
#note This game is just funny
>Stephen_Sneed: AEEW 7F AWEE +29 29
>Matt_Canik: DELLOSU 6C LOUD +18 94
#note DELOUS(ER) earns style points but LOUD is still the right play here.
>Stephen_Sneed: ITZ 9C ZIT +28 57
>Matt_Canik: DEFLLSY C3 DEL.Y +26 120
#note FEL(L)Y is good too, doh. (Jesse snickers here). I still like how this turns out though, because.....
>Stephen_Sneed: ELNNOUY - +0 57
#note "chal delly"
>Matt_Canik: ?DFLRSX 4A FL.X +36 156
#note I'm so good.
>Stephen_Sneed: ?EIIMSW K6 MISvIEW +83 140
>Stephen_Sneed: ?EIIMSW -- -83 57
#note Weird story here. We go to the computer for the challenge and I accidentally (I swear) type MISVIEW and BEGORRA as the words we challenge. He doesn't say anything and judges anyway, thinking that if begorras is no good but misview is, he'll win the challenge. Anyway, the play is ruled unaccpetable and the play is removed. This leaves him thinking that begorras still may be good.
>Matt_Canik: ?ACDRST A2 De.RACTS +89 245
#note LOL
>Stephen_Sneed: ?EIIMSW 9G WE +25 82
>Matt_Canik: GHHNNNV -GHNNV +0 245
#note HNNNNG*. I keep the H here because I want it for BEGORRAH and the N because there's only one more in the bag.
>Stephen_Sneed: ?IIMPRS K5 PRISMIc +101 183
>Stephen_Sneed: ?IIMPRS -- -101 82
#note This time, I think PRISMIc is a word 100% and only challenge BEGORRAS. Thankfully, I type it in right this time. Maybe, though, if I had challenged both he would have tried it a third time. Jeez, we both suck hahaha.
>Matt_Canik: EEHNRTV K6 NTH +20 265
#note I still think prismic is a word at this point, so I need to block prismic/per, right?
>Stephen_Sneed: ?IIMPRS 7K .IP +8 90
>Matt_Canik: EEMNORV M7 .REMOVE +30 295
#note E(NTH)RONE is sweet, unfortunately I was too obsessed with OVERMEN/VENOMER to think of that. My rationale here is this: He's terrified of my word knowledge, won't challenge anything that I do, stick an S on the end of this on a bingo, and I'll chal again and rack up spread. It's really mean and I felt awful, but I need spread in a contending position like I'm in now.
>Stephen_Sneed: ?IMRS N10 MI +24 114
>Matt_Canik: EFNOPTU 8M .EF +18 313
#note Defense
>Stephen_Sneed: ?EIJRSU 14G InJURES +80 194
>Stephen_Sneed: ?EIJRSU -- -80 114
#note I hold for about 30 seconds but only because I'd feel like a total douchebag when/if I challenged. But alas, I did it.
>Matt_Canik: IINOPTU N6 PI. +17 330
#note More defense, I guess.
>Stephen_Sneed: ?EIJRSU J4 JEU +16 130
>Matt_Canik: ACINOTU 4H CA.ON +34 364
#note Didn't like tunica opening things
>Stephen_Sneed: ?BGU 3K BUG +18 148
>Matt_Canik: AAINOTU O1 ATONIA +25 389
>Stephen_Sneed: ?DIORSS 13G DROSSI.r +61 209
#note So apparently he missed an 11 here.
>Matt_Canik: EKNOQRU 12C ROQUE +31 420
>Stephen_Sneed: AY H13 .AY +18 227
>Matt_Canik: HIIKNNV 14J HIN +31 451
#note Setting up ink
>Stephen_Sneed: EL D2 LE. +13 240
#note Nice setup
>Matt_Canik: GIIKNTV 15L KING +54 505
#note Was only 99% sure on viking, plus wanted to reap the rewards of my setup.
>Stephen_Sneed: AAENOST 10B SATAN +28 268
#note Challenging here is ppushing it too far, even though I'm fairly certain this is no good.
>Matt_Canik: ITV 1L VIT. +11 516
>Matt_Canik: (EO) +4 520