Player 1 |
#player1 Nick_Meyer Nick Meyer
#player2 Rafi Rafi
>Nick_Meyer: DENV 8G VEND +16 16
>Rafi: EIILOPW J8 .OWIE +17 17
>Nick_Meyer: PTYY I11 TYPY +22 38
>Rafi: HILOPRR K9 HOLP +42 59
>Nick_Meyer: UUUU -BDHI +0 38
>Rafi: AINORRS H14 OR +11 70
#note Considered OAR, but I think increasing my bingo chances is more important than 7 more points.
>Nick_Meyer: HU G13 UH +15 53
>Rafi: AIMNRST L3 MARTINS +76 146
>Nick_Meyer: ?GIIJNR H2 JINGlI.R +66 119
#note Nick said after the game that he considered JIG. Quackle favors playing the bingo, but it's pretty close.
>Rafi: AAEEGIX M3 AXE +39 185
>Nick_Meyer: IZ 6J ZI. +32 151
>Rafi: AEGILOV 4D VOLI.G +20 205
#note VOLA(TIL)E is pretty cool, and is simming best along with NOVA, both of which I didn't think of. I wanted to start shutting down the board, and liked closing 3 lanes and sticking the V out there. Maybe the abundance of A's and E's makes my play worse.
>Nick_Meyer: ?EEIINT D4 .EINIEsT +61 212
>Rafi: AADEEFU N2 FEED +35 240
#note Big blunder here, missing FEUED for 38.
>Nick_Meyer: ALNOR O4 LORAN +35 247
>Rafi: AAABLSU L12 SLAB +36 276
#note LAB(I)A or SUBA. Guess I played a this game a bit too hastily in the middle.
>Nick_Meyer: Q 3G Q. +42 289
#note LABIA would have blocked this.
>Rafi: AAKNOOU 15L .OOK +30 306
>Nick_Meyer: GRW 5B GR.W +26 315
>Rafi: AADMNSU C9 MAUDS +32 338
#note Was only 90% on MAUND, and figured it wasn't terrible to waste my S here with one S and no N's remaining. Still a bad mistake though.
>Nick_Meyer: EF B9 EF +31 346
>Rafi: AEINSUU F12 UNAU +20 358
#note UNAI sims better??? Maybe it's because of COTEAU/BATEAU.
>Nick_Meyer: ACTTT B13 ACT +12 358
#note Nick said he had 3 T's with this rack.
>Rafi: ACEEEIS 15A E.IC +27 385
#note According to quackle, EAVES/CEES/ETIC/ICES/EAVE all win if Nick doesn't have TABORET or BORATED. I debated ICES to block DEME (saving EAVE for later) but thought I was missing something along the lines of REBAT(O) N10. I played ETIC first so I could tack on the S when I played EAVES.
>Nick_Meyer: ABDERTT B2 BAD.ER +24 382
>Rafi: AEEOS G6 EA.ES +17 402
#note For some reason counted EAVES as one spread point better than AXES/ZITS, when it is actually one spread point worse.
>Nick_Meyer: TT 14L .TT +12 394
>Nick_Meyer: (O) +2 396