Player 1 |
#player1 Meanderfish Meanderfish
#player2 Dacron_Bassett-Hound_Sponge Dacron Bassett-Hound Sponge
>Meanderfish: AGLRRUV 8D VULGAR +28 28
>Dacron_Bassett-Hound_Sponge: DEEIITW D8 .IEWED +26 26
>Meanderfish: ABEINRS G2 BEARIN.S +64 92
>Dacron_Bassett-Hound_Sponge: ?EEINTZ 5D ETE.NIZe +114 140
>Meanderfish: AAEOSUV 4A UVEA +20 112
#note I guess I shoulda expended the S for 15 more, but I figured saving it would be more beneficial.
>Dacron_Bassett-Hound_Sponge: BCOPRTU A3 O.TBURP +33 173
>Dacron_Bassett-Hound_Sponge: BCOPRTU -- -33 140
>Meanderfish: AEIOSTY - +0 112
>Dacron_Bassett-Hound_Sponge: BCOPRTU C1 CUB. +16 156
#note Of note: (U)PCOURT!
>Meanderfish: AEIOSTY H1 YO +19 131
#note Surprisingly decent, just the wrong spot.
>Dacron_Bassett-Hound_Sponge: OOPRSTY C12 YO +21 177
#note OO(C)YST!
>Meanderfish: AAEIRST L2 ARISTAE +83 214
>Dacron_Bassett-Hound_Sponge: EIOPRST A2 RO.PIEST +80 257
>Meanderfish: IJOORUX 10B JO. +26 240
#note Don't know what the point of that was.
>Dacron_Bassett-Hound_Sponge: EILLMMT K8 MILL +16 273
>Meanderfish: CINORUX M6 OX +36 276
#note (E)X, duh. But do you see where this is going yet?
>Dacron_Bassett-Hound_Sponge: DDEMNRT N6 MEND +34 307
>Meanderfish: CGINORU 2J GR.IN +20 296
#note Wait for it...
>Dacron_Bassett-Hound_Sponge: ADFLNRT 6F F.AT +32 339
>Meanderfish: ?ACHIOU 1A CA.HOU +90 386
#note BOOYAH! (ooohhh, yeaaaaah) I'd'a been happy with CO(C)A.
>Dacron_Bassett-Hound_Sponge: ADELNPR - +0 339
>Meanderfish: ?HIINST 1M HIN +25 411
#note Low on time, I miss the bings.
>Dacron_Bassett-Hound_Sponge: ADELNPR 11D .ARP +18 357
>Meanderfish: ?EFIQST 9J Q. +11 422
>Dacron_Bassett-Hound_Sponge: ADELNOW O7 DOE +33 390
>Meanderfish: ?EFIKST H11 SKIFf +58 480
#note Q doesn't even list this, but SKITE does appear. Missed FrISKET, too.
>Dacron_Bassett-Hound_Sponge: AEGLNTW 13G W.NGLET +32 422
>Meanderfish: DEOT 14L DOTE +15 495
>Meanderfish: (A) +2 497
>Meanderfish: (time) -10 487
>Dacron_Bassett-Hound_Sponge: (time) -10 412 |