Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Ross_Brown Ross Brown
#player2 Geoffrey_Newman Geoffrey Newman
>Ross_Brown: AEHLNNY - +0 0
#note I didn't pass; this is just how I record games where I start second.
>Geoffrey_Newman: ADEX 8H AXED +24 24
#note Geoffrey Newman hadn't played a tournament for two years and was seeded 20th of 22, but had earned his way to the king-of-the-hill game. The winner of this game stood to win first place and $360, the loser second ($240) or third ($160).
>Ross_Brown: AEHLNNY 7G HYENA +36 36
#note Quackle prefers 7H YEH for some reason.
>Geoffrey_Newman: ?AELLOS L1 LOcALES +76 100
>Ross_Brown: AFGLNOR 2J FL.NG +34 70
>Geoffrey_Newman: DHMO 6I HOM.D +37 137
>Ross_Brown: AADGIOR 1E ADAGIO +29 99
#note Slight edge to GARDAI over ADAGIO.
>Geoffrey_Newman: ????? -????? +0 137
>Ross_Brown: EIORTVV 6B VOTIVE +33 132
#note The V's conspire, but acquit themselves well.
>Geoffrey_Newman: ABW 5C WAB +31 168
>Ross_Brown: EPQRRUY 2A QUERY +39 171
#note I'm playing tiles as fast as I can to get at least an S, without opening the board too much.
>Geoffrey_Newman: FNOT 4D FONT +31 199
>Ross_Brown: EGIINPR 7C PE +25 196
#note There's a nifty bingo here that I missed. Bet you don't find it either.
>Geoffrey_Newman: EPT 3H PET +12 211
>Ross_Brown: GIINRUZ A2 .UIZ +23 219
#note U's, begone!
>Geoffrey_Newman: EEINRST K6 ...E +7 218
#note Geoffrey has no place for ENTRIES, so...
>Ross_Brown: GIINRTU 9C TRUING +16 235
#note Geoffrey is clearly preparing something, so I block the easiest line. He held ENTRIES, but no place for it.
>Geoffrey_Newman: EINRSST O2 SINTERS +84 302
#note Fortunately, his fish turns up another S, allowing him to capitalize on the good bingo line.
>Ross_Brown: ?AEIILT L9 LAITIEs +64 299
#note Tile velocity finally pays off. It was either this or fILIATE.
>Geoffrey_Newman: CEOR 15H CORE. +18 320
#note I'm fortunate that he didn't have any of the bigger tiles at this point.
>Ross_Brown: ABCDKNU D9 .UNBACK +40 339
#note This is the turning point of the game. My choices:
- (R)UNBACK scores 40 and invites big plays for whoever draws the J, but empties the bag. Quackle says this wins 59% of the time.
- N(U)BUCK scores 28 and is more likely to be challenged, but still empties the bag and almost guarantees that he will be the one to go out. Quackle: 43% win.
- KAB scores 36, gums up the works a bit, and leaves two tiles in the bag to give him pause to consider. Quackle: 58% win.
- Emptying the bag cost me the game, because the bag had all the dreck: After the bingos, he drew AEEIOOOCRRS, while I drew AAUBCDJKMNRW.
>Geoffrey_Newman: AEIOORS 15A ROO.IE +30 350
#note Geoffrey held for a long time and then judged that playing ROO(K)IE or various similar plays was enough to win against what I was holding. Improbably, with all of the lines available, I had no J play that would score more than 12 points (net of deadwood).
>Ross_Brown: DIJMRW 13C J.W +26 365
#note J(E)W is better, because it doesn't improve his best out-play.
>Geoffrey_Newman: AS H1 .A.S +17 367
#note And so Geoffrey wins the big prize and is now rated an expert! Congratulations.
>Geoffrey_Newman: (DIMR) +14 381
Player 2
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