Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Naiad_Aspic_I Naiad Aspic I
#player2 Edward_S._De_Guzman Edward S. De Guzman
>Naiad_Aspic_I: ALMOY 8H LOAMY +28 28
>Edward_S._De_Guzman: EEIPRTW 7G PEW +26 26
>Naiad_Aspic_I: EEORRTU 9C REROUTE +70 98
#note I missed the phoney ELT* and only saw it a few a turns later.
>Edward_S._De_Guzman: CEIIIRT E8 I.ITIC +16 42
>Naiad_Aspic_I: Q 12D Q. +22 120
>Edward_S._De_Guzman: AEFHRRS 10D R.F +29 71
>Naiad_Aspic_I: HI 13C HI. +27 147
>Edward_S._De_Guzman: ADEHIRS K6 SE.IHARD +78 149
>Naiad_Aspic_I: ADGIN 12I DA.ING +16 163
>Edward_S._De_Guzman: ?EGOVVY M11 E.VY +20 169
>Naiad_Aspic_I: EEJ 8A JEE +32 195
>Edward_S._De_Guzman: ?EGOTVZ B6 ZE. +32 201
#note According to Quackle, I was hasty in playing the Z. It recommends 14L GYVE 22
>Naiad_Aspic_I: BPU 6F PUB +23 218
>Edward_S._De_Guzman: ?BEGOTV 14L G.BE +20 221
>Naiad_Aspic_I: AX 15N AX +58 276
#note spaced out and forgot to consider the X being out.
>Edward_S._De_Guzman: ?DIOOTV 5C DIVOT +27 248
>Naiad_Aspic_I: NOTU A8 .UNTO +13 289
>Edward_S._De_Guzman: ?AGIKLS 14B KIS +31 279
#note missed a bingo here: 06 LAKINGS 96. I had been eying that S hook since he played DARING.
>Naiad_Aspic_I: AFN 15A FAN +30 319
>Edward_S._De_Guzman: ??AAEGL O6 LAAGErs +76 355
>Naiad_Aspic_I: ADOORTT - +0 319
#note got a free turn from a challenge here.
>Edward_S._De_Guzman: AIMOORT 15H RATIO +22 377
#note Quackle says I was hasty again in taking the O hook. Wiith good reason, I guess. I can't really see a bingo or high play ending in O. Recommended: L4 ROOMY 26
>Naiad_Aspic_I: NTW D3 TW.N +14 333
>Edward_S._De_Guzman: DEEMNOO L4 DOOM. +28 405
#note another mistake: emptying the bag and opening another lane.
>Naiad_Aspic_I: ACLNORS 3A CAL.RONS +72 405
>Naiad_Aspic_I: ACLNORS -- -72 333
#note I luck out when I see that he doesn't have anything and is forced to try a phony. We're both laughing as he puts this down.
>Edward_S._De_Guzman: EELNSU 13H NEE. +12 417
>Naiad_Aspic_I: ACLNORS 4I CAL.RON +11 344
>Edward_S._De_Guzman: LSU 3A SLU. +8 425
#note And I survive another encounter with Dr. Lethal
>Edward_S._De_Guzman: (S) +2 427
Player 2
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