Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Mike_Baker Mike Baker
#player2 Rafi Rafi
>Mike_Baker: EWY H7 YEW +18 18
>Rafi: BDIMPUW G5 DUMB +26 26
#note I don't get why WIMP wins the sim. However, I definitely was too hasty on this play and missed BUMP.
>Mike_Baker: ABU 5D BAU. +14 32
>Rafi: DEIOPSW H1 WIPES +41 67
#note WOW/DUMBO or WIDOW/DUMBO are other good options.
>Mike_Baker: DEFGINN - +0 32
#note Lost challenge on BAUDS. Didn't expect that at all!
>Rafi: DDEGIKO I8 GOD +18 85
#note Completely missed the DUMBO option. GOWK is the play here.
>Mike_Baker: DEFLNOS J2 FONDLES +78 110
>Rafi: DEEIJKR 6B JEED +35 120
>Mike_Baker: AFO K5 OAF +25 135
>Rafi: ACHIKNR 3G A.H.NIC +38 158
>Mike_Baker: EIVY B6 .IVEY +26 161
>Rafi: ?EIKLQR L2 Q. +11 169
#note This restricts the lane, but I didn't want to give up the possibility of 60 points for IVIES.
>Mike_Baker: AA 8A A.A +18 179
>Rafi: ?EIIKLR M1 sI.KLIER +75 244
#note I felt like it was worth sacrificing points to shut down the board. Quackle still likes SILKIER/APHONICS, but I thought it was too risky, especially after AVA.
>Mike_Baker: AMOT 4B ATOM +28 207
>Rafi: ACEINOR A10 ORCEIN +38 282
>Mike_Baker: AEE -AEE +0 207
>Rafi: AEEGLRZ N7 REGLAZE +73 355
#note Oh jeez. Do I play the bingo or just play ZA for 37 to keep it closed? REGLAZE is quackle's top choice, even if I infer something like ERST for a leave. I figure I give up about 30-40 points on this play no matter what, guessing that Mike left an S on the exchange. Also, he would have a bingo hooking GOD either way. If he does bingo for 100-120, I'll have nice triple spots to work with, and I'll still be up 40. It's definitely a close call either direction.
>Mike_Baker: EHIRSTT 14H TITHERS +110 317
>Rafi: GIIOOTX O8 GOO +29 384
#note So he had the bingo, and I wasn't too happy that the blank was still unseen. At least I can take out the best lane and still leave some good X options.
>Mike_Baker: ?ANPRTU 15C PURiTAN +85 402
#note Uh oh.
>Rafi: AIILTTX 14E AX +51 435
#note I took a long time on this play, seeing if there was any way I could win while blocking NERVOUS/NONUSER, or any reason to play ILEX or EXIT or LATEX instead. I didn't see anything, and figured the 51 points for AX surely outweighed the poor leave. Plus I had LITU/TAX or TIL/LOBE for a minimum 18 next turn. Let's just hope Mike doesn't have NERVOUS/NONUSER.
>Mike_Baker: ENNOSUV L10 UNEV.N +20 422
#note So apparently AX wins 3/8 of engames, and ILEX wins 50%. Props to Mike for finding the only winning play.
>Rafi: IILRTT 1M .RI +6 441
#note It took me a while to see this, and for a second I was so excited that I could block the spot.
>Mike_Baker: OS 13L .O.S +18 440
#note Oops.
>Mike_Baker: (ILTT) +8 448
Player 2
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