Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joey Joey
#player2 Kate Kate
>Joey: EEEKLNT 8D KNEEL +28 28
>Kate: MY 7F MY +24 24
>Joey: AEENPTW 6E PEW +26 54
>Kate: COSY D3 COYS +27 51
>Joey: AEEEHNT E4 HE. +31 85
>Kate: NOO F2 NOO +11 62
>Joey: AEENOPT E8 .OPE +12 97
>Kate: GNORSSU 11A SURG.ONS +59 121
#note This was correctly announced as 59, but we apparently each recorded it as 69 and never caught the adding error.
>Joey: AAEEMNT A4 EMANATE. +83 180
#note MANATEES instead. I thought that EMANATES had an anagram but quickly assumed that it didn't start with M. My brain functions interestingly.
>Kate: BFIILR B1 FIBRIL +36 157
>Joey: AACDNQT C10 T.ANQ +28 208
>Kate: DI D14 ID +16 173
>Joey: AACDLRU H11 .CALD +33 241
#note Or SCAUR.
>Kate: IIII -IIII +0 173
>Joey: AINRUVV 14F VU.VAR +22 263
>Kate: IZ 1B .IZ +25 198
>Joey: ?AEEIIN D10 A.E +17 280
>Kate: OX G2 OX +36 234
>Joey: ?DEFIIN 1G FID +34 314
#note I saw the available bingos, but they weren't worth it at this time.
>Kate: BORU K11 BUR.O +14 248
>Joey: ?EIJLNW L7 JaWLINE +92 406
>Kate: AIR 8L .RIA +9 257
>Joey: AADEEST I13 A.E +13 419
>Kate: ?EGGIOR O8 .RpEGGIO +83 340
>Joey: ADEISTU 3F ..IDATES +36 455
#note DUD I1 cutely sets this up as an unblockable out-play.
>Kate: HTTT L2 T.TH +14 354
>Joey: U 5K U. +10 465
>Joey: (T) +2 467
Player 2
Prevent game from appearing in all lists of uploaded games?
Prevent game from appearing in list of recently uploaded games?

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