Player 1 |
#player1 Ronald_Credo Ronald Credo
#player2 Muhammad_Sulaiman Muhammad Sulaiman
>Ronald_Credo: EEFGNUZ 8G FEZ +30 30
#note FUZEE 8d 42 pts, what a miss! Since, I need 165 pts. to win the title, I prepared a separate score making it 30-165 to which I coined Championship Score in my succeeding notes.
>Muhammad_Sulaiman: AQT 9F QAT +21 21
>Ronald_Credo: EEGINNU 10C GENIE +27 57
#note Alas, I see GENUINE and INGENUE in my rack but won't go down, chose GENIE instead of QUEEN but noticed it has closed the board after I punched the clock. So, it is now 57-186.
>Muhammad_Sulaiman: AKM 9B KAM +18 39
#note Nice cover!
>Ronald_Credo: ?ABGINU E10 .UB +10 67
#note Championship Score: 67-204
>Muhammad_Sulaiman: CU 12C CU. +14 53
>Ronald_Credo: ?AGGINW 13E sWAGING +68 135
#note First Blood! (Championship Score:135-218)
>Muhammad_Sulaiman: ELO H12 O.LE +18 71
>Ronald_Credo: IOSTUVW I6 WI. +16 151
#note I need to provide another opening. (Championship Score:151-236)
>Muhammad_Sulaiman: ?AEORTT 5F TOAsTER +77 148
#note ROTATEs 5c could have closed the board somehow but Sulaiman chose TOAsTER 5f. It seemed hopeless to catch up now and also in danger of losing this game and the 2nd place position. I would slip into to 3rd position should I lose this game.(Championship Score: 151-313)
>Ronald_Credo: DHOSTUV 13A DUH +28 179
#note Championship Score:179-313
>Muhammad_Sulaiman: FINNY 11H FINNY +31 179
>Ronald_Credo: CDOOSTV 4K DOC +19 198
#note Missing a nice bingo in the 15th row. (Championship Score: 198-344)
>Muhammad_Sulaiman: HIP 14B HIP +34 213
>Ronald_Credo: ANRSTTV H1 VARN. +27 225
#note Opening up some more lines. (Championship Score: 225-378)
>Muhammad_Sulaiman: EE 14F EE. +14 227
>Ronald_Credo: BDORSTT 7H B.TT +11 236
#note Championship Score: 236-392
>Muhammad_Sulaiman: ALORV L7 OVAR. +22 249
>Muhammad_Sulaiman: ALORV -- -22 227
#note I challenged off the phoney word.
>Ronald_Credo: ADIMORS 3B MIRADO.S +76 312
#note Nice hit! (Championship Score: 312-392)
>Muhammad_Sulaiman: ALORV 2A VOLA +26 253
>Ronald_Credo: ADEEORS N4 OREADES +69 381
#note Two bingo spot at 6a and n4 but chose the latter which would open up another bingo lane. Suddenly, my championship hope becomes alive! (Championship Score:381-418)
>Muhammad_Sulaiman: EILNOR O7 NEROLI +36 289
#note Sulaiman countered with 6 tiles play, NEROLI and the board position was this.
My next rack, EILPSTU. I saw PULIEST and STIPULE on my rack but forgot about the PUTELIS (6n). I have around 5 minutes to work out on my play and was about to play YU (l11) but based on unseen AEIJORSXY, I could see the possibility that he can play JAROVISE (1d), so I changed my mind and finally played PAR (d1). In missing a bingo of PUTELIS, I should have tried the leave of EILPST instead of EILSTU to maximize my bingo on my last turn, like drawing A for EPILATES (15h), R - EPISTLER, Y - EPISTYLE, aside from the 6n opening.
>Ronald_Credo: EILPSTU D1 P.. +8 389
#note In the post mortem, I asked Sulaiman, what was the remaining tile on the bag and he said A. Because, I drew E. With 100 points down, Sulaiman can lose the Championship if he will falter on his play then I can bingo on my last turn. The unseen AEEILSTU, reveals (V)EALIEST as the possible highest scoring move. And Sulaiman was unsure of DOCOS, as JOYS o1 would have secured his outright Championship victory.
>Muhammad_Sulaiman: IJORSXY 2G J.I +21 310
#note He played JAI 2g, and picked A in the bag, whew!
>Ronald_Credo: EEILSTU 4B SEEL +30 419
#note No such luck but it was a good try. If "A" was in the bag, SITULAE 6a (67 pts) + EORSXY (32) = 99 pts and the final outcome woudl have been 488-310, 178 pts spread more the target spread of 165.
>Muhammad_Sulaiman: AORSXY 12L AX +28 338
>Ronald_Credo: ITU 10I TUI +13 432
>Ronald_Credo: (ORSY) +14 446