Player 1 |
#player1 Marc Marc
#player2 Margaret Margaret
>Marc: NOOPSTT 8D POTTO +20 20
>Margaret: AHLU 7E HAUL +20 20
>Marc: AINORST 9A AROINTS +76 96
#note After HAUL being a closing play, I should have played RATIONS on I1. That was a harbinger of things to come.
>Margaret: ?AEEGMT I1 GAMETEs +69 89
>Marc: AEEEHOU 8A HE +32 128
#note I couldn't decide between this and A(G)UE for 15. I didn't want the 3x3, so I tried to reduce the variance against the weaker player. Leaving 3x3 lines increases the variance, which is bad.
>Margaret: DFI J4 DIF +33 122
>Marc: AEENOUV 1G VA.UE +27 155
#note Now I get to the other lane. Didn't see VAUN(TI)E for 40, but would have played VA(G)UE anyway. lost 4 pts of equity.
>Margaret: GM 2H G.M +25 147
>Marc: DELLNOO 5G LO..ON +12 167
#note Missed the (HA)LLOOED for 39. There are too many ways to spell that. I looked, but forgot HALLOO is a variant. Still, I played LOTION to open 4A, since I can see that she will close at any oppotunity. Lost 20 equity pts, my first bad play in this game.
>Margaret: BEFKLRT -BEF +0 147
>Marc: ?DEFLTV 10A DEFT +32 199
>Margaret: GIZ L3 ZI.G +28 175
>Marc: ?ACLVXY 3L .AX +38 237
#note I like this even if quackle doesn't. YA just blocks more, and I lose my PIT-ahsy hooks.
>Margaret: OW 2N OW +28 203
>Marc: ?CILUVY F6 C...Y +24 261
#note this play is bad given my opponent. Quackle give (G)UV for +2 equity, but C(ATT)Y blocks the PIT- lane, and I need more open lanes.
>Margaret: AB 1N BA +39 242
>Marc: ?BIILUV 6L .UV +15 276
#note only play better than exchanging.
>Margaret: DEJ B6 JE...D +30 272
>Marc: ?BIILNR N6 .IRL +7 283
#note gotta open. The U/V lane is not enuf, and I hope that it could inspire an opening move by my opp.
>Margaret: IQS O4 QIS +30 302
#note she misses S(U)Q for 50. Phew!
>Marc: ?BINNNO 8L BO.N +27 310
#note missed INB(O)RN.
>Margaret: ADEOSWY 9L AW. +23 325
>Marc: ?CEINNY 4A CYaNINE +80 390
#note the opening finally pays off. I sneak this one in, since she never got a chance to get this lane.
>Margaret: ERTU A1 TRU.E +21 346
>Marc: EIIKORR 10J KORE +29 419
#note I don't think Quackle is correct in rating this play so low. She needs a bingo to win, the bag is very bingo-prone, and this closes the last lane. I saw (BA)RKIER which quackle liked, but didn't want to open. After KORE with 2 tiles left, it's hard to set up a bingo out in a lane that can't be blocked. I guess KORE is not as good since a bunch of bingoes can hook under it like -ANES.
>Margaret: AEN 11J ANE +22 368
>Marc: DIIIRRS 12K SRI +23 442
#note this was the best, closes again.
>Margaret: AEELPS I11 PAL +12 380
>Marc: DIIR 3F ID +13 455
>Margaret: EES 13M SEE +10 390
>Margaret: (IR) +4 394