Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Cesar Cesar
#player2 Maddy Maddy
>Cesar: EGLOTUZ 8D TOUZLE +32 32
#note it's better at 8G. i had a strong feeling i was missing something better and i did -- short of a strike of inspiration is there any way to reliably find ZLOTE? -11
>Maddy: PSY J8 SPY +32 32
>Cesar: EGHJOOO K10 OOH +17 49
#note JOE simply. i'm pretty sure i saw this and for some reason either forgot about it or thought OOH was better. pretty bad call there. ZOO is kind of cute. -11.5
>Maddy: AVW L8 VAW +22 54
>Cesar: CEGIJNO E7 C.JOIN +30 79
#note JOUNCE F6. this game has potential for some epic equity losses on my part. -3
>Maddy: IQ D11 QI +37 91
>Cesar: AEEEEGU -AEEEGU +0 79
#note lol
>Maddy: ETX 8L .EXT +42 133
#note lol
>Cesar: EEIKNOT G2 TOKENI.E +74 153
>Cesar: EEIKNOT -- -74 79
#note quackle is a bit broken. the equity from getting the word challenged off and just passing are wildly different, so that's a bug. in any case, i should have thought about this a little more. it's a common word in my field but i probably would have remembered seeing it in study. -42, OINK
>Maddy: FW M7 F.W +26 159
>Cesar: EEIKNOT N6 KE. +29 108
>Maddy: ?DEENSS H8 .ESSENeD +77 236
#note no don't do that
>Cesar: EINNOTT L12 INTO +20 128
#note the rest of this game is not very interesting. i hate scrabble.
>Maddy: AORT I12 TARO +14 250
>Cesar: EEEGLNT G6 LE. +13 141
#note LOL!!! i should have just tried genteeler, huh?? -54
>Maddy: AAGIT O2 TAIGA +13 263
>Cesar: AEEGNTY 7I YE +27 168
>Maddy: AHI 15L .HIA +21 284
>Cesar: AEGNORT C12 GO +10 178
#note that was so lame. who the hell do i have to pray to to ensure a spot stays open? should i literally salivate over YE or something?
>Maddy: ADINR 14B RANID +24 308
>Cesar: ABEMNRT 15A BETA +31 209
#note J13 BAM maybe.
>Maddy: CEOV 2K COVE. +20 328
>Cesar: ?BMNNPR L1 B.RN +18 227
>Maddy: EFU 5K FEU +19 347
>Cesar: ?EGMNPR 14L .EMP +33 260
>Maddy: AE M1 A.E +20 367
>Cesar: ?DGNRRS 13G G..R +7 267
>Maddy: IN 4K I. +7 374
>Cesar: ?DIINRS 4J R.. +3 270
>Maddy: ADMU 3G DUMA +14 388
>Cesar: ?DIILNS 4B LINDIeS +71 341
#note i considered myself a minor genius for RIN -- a 3 in 8 shot at INDUSIa in two spots, and possibly higher since the U is slightly more likely to be in the bag, but i didn't draw it! then this happened. but maddy didn't track it correctly at the end.
>Cesar: (LRU) +6 347
Player 2
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