Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Nick_M Nick M
#player2 Cesar Cesar
>Nick_M: ?ACEIOR 8D COAlIER +72 72
>Cesar: AEFKMNO J6 FO.AM +24 24
#note i don't really like blocking as many lanes as 7F MAKO does, but it seems there are a lot of better plays than FORAM. FORK, for example is an improvement (but it doesn't feel right to do that either). -5
>Nick_M: EIPW K9 WIPE +27 99
>Cesar: EGJKNOU K3 JUKE +35 59
>Nick_M: TU 3K .UT +20 119
>Cesar: GILNORT E6 RO.TLING +68 127
#note which rootling is better? the other one sims marginally better.
>Nick_M: CEIT L10 CITE +27 146
>Cesar: DEGINOS H8 .NDIGOES +86 213
#note that's fortunate
>Nick_M: ?GNOORS M5 ORGONeS +72 218
>Cesar: ADEHNRT 8L H.ED +36 249
#note quackle likes 7I HOD a lot more. the leave sure is better and it scores more. i probably shouldn't be that worried about this spot. -10.5
>Nick_M: BELW N1 BLEW +29 247
>Cesar: AAEENRT 15H .ERENATA +77 326
>Nick_M: ITZ 14M ZIT +41 288
>Cesar: AABIITY 1L BA.Y +42 368
>Nick_M: EIV 12C VI.E +14 302
>Cesar: AAIITUY D1 YAUTIA +28 396
#note it really seems as if this is the only move that makes sense. but it is nervewracking to think of things such as quayside and dasyures. it sims so much better than G6 AALII that i can't NOT take it, right?
>Nick_M: LMPU 4I PL.M +24 326
>Cesar: ADHILOV B10 VIOLA +40 436
#note ok i should probably take HYOIDAL/HYALOID to keep the chances of a disaster down but i didn't think of it. there are probably a few triple-triples possible, but i don't see any. VIOLA still sims best.
>Nick_M: EQU 1A QUE. +48 374
>Cesar: DDFHRRS 2B SH.RD +35 471
>Nick_M: AENNOSX 1F EXONS +39 413
>Cesar: DFR 13G F.RD +13 484
>Cesar: (AN) +4 488
Player 2
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