Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Kevin Kevin
#player2 Cesar Cesar
>Kevin: FIZ 8G FIZ +30 30
>Cesar: ?ANNRTT H8 .NTRANTs +74 74
#note funny that kevin has been having bad luck this tourney and i draw this. poor kevin. intranet is slightly better.
>Kevin: AKQU 11E QUA.K +36 66
>Cesar: AAEGRRT 13C REGRA.T +20 94
#note oh.. i get too excited. bad play. 9E GRANA. -16!
>Kevin: DGL D12 G.LD +16 82
>Cesar: AAEENST 9G A.A +23 117
>Kevin: HTU 15A THU. +24 106
>Cesar: EENOSST 15H .TENOSES +74 191
>Kevin: CDIOT M10 DICOT. +18 124
>Cesar: DGHOOVW 14H .OW +30 221
>Kevin: ABI I5 BAI.. +17 141
>Cesar: ADGHIOV J3 ODAH +33 254
#note ODAH gives back too much, it is kind of scary. -5.5 AVOID J2. this coulda been bad.
>Kevin: AEFNR H1 FRENA +32 173
>Cesar: GIILOVY K6 IVY +15 269
#note smart to not do it at K2 to give himself the extra shot at the 2-2. i was aware that this would sim poorly, but right now i'm willing to give something up to kill the 2-2.. although, the board is obviously still dangerous. this was a tough move. IVORY 2E is best . -4
>Kevin: MUV 3J .VUM +18 191
>Cesar: GILLMOO L1 GL.M +18 287
#note MOIL sims much better tahn my move, at 4L. are there really people foolhardy enough to play this? i hate that i will lose so much equity but i couldn't bring myself to play it. however N6 IGLOO sims a little better by win%.. this is the move! -11
>Kevin: EINNRWY 1L .YRI +24 215
>Cesar: ?IILOOX F10 X. +25 312
#note yuck, what a poor move. but i'm relieved i drew that second blank. what a luckbox. -18 OLIO L8
>Kevin: EIJU 12J JUI.E +28 243
>Cesar: ?IILNOO N7 OLIO +11 323
>Kevin: CE K11 C.E +10 253
>Cesar: ?EINOSW A8 sNOWIES. +83 406
#note I SUCK. -21
>Kevin: EEEILPS 2A SLEEPIE. +74 327
>Cesar: ABEENOR O4 BEANO +38 444
#note -2 BORANE
>Kevin: DP C1 P.D +12 339
>Kevin: (ER) +4 343
Player 2
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