Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Cesar Cesar
#player2 Isaac_A Isaac A
>Cesar: DMMORTY 8H TOMMY +32 32
>Isaac_A: AEY 7I YEA +27 27
>Cesar: ABDDIRS 9G DAB +24 56
#note DIB! why do i do that. -2 (ARAMIDS is worth consideration too, i'm surprised it's not better than dib)
>Isaac_A: INO K7 ..INO +14 41
>Cesar: DEGIRSU 10C GUIDERS +78 134
>Isaac_A: ADEINOT E5 IDEAT.ON +86 127
>Cesar: ?FIIVXZ 12D I.FIX +46 180
>Isaac_A: UW 6C WU. +7 134
>Cesar: ??AIRVZ 8A mIRZ. +69 249
#note more fortunate drawing. even if a bingo was available this would probably be best.
>Isaac_A: CIT 13G TIC +21 155
>Cesar: ?AAEGHV J5 AH.. +17 266
#note L11 HAG is a better fish. -5
>Isaac_A: EHLNNPS 5H GL.N +10 165
>Isaac_A: EHLNNPS -- -10 155
>Cesar: ?AEEGUV 5I V.GUE +18 284
#note no need to be scared, K1 VAGUE is fine. -1.2
>Isaac_A: GNN L4 G.NN. +25 180
>Cesar: ?AEIJKQ 11J K.JI +15 299
#note this is a sad play. i chickened out on JAKE! -22.3
>Isaac_A: ELL L11 .ELL +22 202
>Cesar: ?ADEEPQ M9 QA.D +27 326
>Isaac_A: ORSTU 15H ROUTS +31 233
>Cesar: ?EELPRT 14A PELTERs +72 398
#note don't know my words. PETRELs at N2. -9.5
>Isaac_A: AER 15A ERA +25 258
>Cesar: AAEEORT 14K A.OE +10 408
#note F12 FORE or FORA ? 0.05% win difference :P
>Isaac_A: INS N9 INS +36 294
>Cesar: ABEERTV N2 AVERT +30 438
>Isaac_A: FLO C3 FLO. +20 314
>Cesar: ABEENOW B2 WEAN +23 461
>Isaac_A: CHOPS F1 CHOPS +22 336
>Isaac_A: (BEO) +10 346
Player 2
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