Player 1 |
#player1 Tom Tom
#player2 Cesar Cesar
>Tom: BDFIOR 8D FORBID +32 32
>Cesar: DENRTTW E7 W.NTED +20 20
>Tom: EINU 12C NU.IE +12 44
>Cesar: AAIRRTU 11G AURAR +12 32
#note i would come to regret this. -7 to C9 RUANA which.. is a lot better for some reason. (IRT >> IT?)
>Tom: OY 10I OY +28 72
>Cesar: BILOSTX J6 XIS +39 71
>Tom: ENRZ 10B NER.Z +36 108
>Cesar: BLNOSTY 9A BOY +23 94
>Tom: IOTT K4 TOIT +19 127
>Cesar: FLNNRST -FLNN +0 94
>Tom: AEEG 12I AGEE +22 149
>Cesar: AAEPRST H2 SEPTAR.A +63 157
>Tom: CEOV F4 COVE. +23 172
>Cesar: ?AILLUV 13L LUV +14 171
#note i chickened out on ALLUVI(ON)s here!! pLUVIALS??? i totally missed VISUALLy. and ALLUSIVe... big now. the worse thing about this is that i was already running into time trouble and i was worrying about if he bingoed. this board sucks.. if i don't open the board and he bingoes to the S the game is over! but i hated doing LUV, it's even worse now that I know I missed FOUR BINGOS. TERRIBLE. -30.5
>Tom: AH 8A AH +33 205
>Cesar: ?AEEILN 2A dELAINE. +68 239
#note 2B pENALISE sims neck and neck with this.
>Tom: GGJ D1 J.GG +42 247
>Cesar: EHKMPSU 4K .HUMP +30 269
#note quackle thinks 14J HUMP is a little better. -1
>Tom: DFIORS O8 FIORDS +43 290
>Cesar: EEIKLST N1 STE.LIKE +87 356
#note i was about to not play this, then decided screw it, i'm 5-6, i don't care anymore, maybe it IS good
>Tom: IQ 1L QI. +22 312
>Cesar: CEIMNOT M13 .M +4 360
#note it was frustrating that i couldn't figure out how to kill the bottom. i saw lOWLAND and gONADAL so i had to kill the lane. but UM gives him back DALApON (which i actually didn't see) and ADWOmAN. so this is a big mistake. ELM L12 is the only way to ensure a win. i couldn't see a bingo he could play after ELM, but i still thought i could be missing something. clearly i couldn't leave that spot open, but ELM seemed easy to score on, so i didn't want to do that. but that's the play. (-25%)
>Tom: AADLNOW A1 A.OWN +33 345
>Cesar: ?CEINOT 15H CENTImO +81 441
#note absolutely ridiculous draw
>Cesar: (DLA) +8 449