Player 1 |
#player1 Cesar Cesar
#player2 David David
>Cesar: AEEEIOR -EEIO +0 0
#note back in the day you couldn't pay me to keep AER, but nowadays i always do this. keeping ER though sims slightly better. sometimes keeping the two vowels sims better. for which racks? -1
>David: EIIORST -IO +0 0
>Cesar: AEIPRUV 8G VAU +12 12
#note i am extremely tempted to pass again but it doesn't seem right. quackle prefers the 8G placement with no inferences, but i didn't think enough about it. probably 8H is the most defensive in terms of getting a bingo down, and 8F may be the best way to ensure we don't hit the triple. ?
>David: EEIRSTT H8 .RIETTES +77 77
>Cesar: DEEINPR 15H .PENDIER +89 101
#note it literally took me 5 minutes to find this. that didn't seem like a good sign.
>David: ?AEORVZ 14F ZE. +32 109
#note at a restaurant later, david asked us what we thought of overzeal, and everyone said they hated it. i was about to say "it's good" but then i didn't want to look dumb, and then i started thinking maybe i was making it up. but it is good! silly word.
>Cesar: AAEFORT 14J FEAT +35 136
#note i remember deciding between OAF at 14L and FEAT. i mistakenly thought that AERT was not worth 8 points more than AOR. it just didn't seem THAT strong, but i thought it'd be fairly close. i was wrong! it's much stronger than that. -5
>David: ?ACIORV 12E VIC.ORiA +74 183
>Cesar: AAMNOOR - +0 136
#note RAMONA easily puts me back in the game. challenging a valid word doesn't. i just didn't recognize it, nor did i think of ovaritic*. when i wrote down the alphagram, victoria did jump out at me, but i didn't know if it was because he had just played it on me. i decided that i would have a better memory of it if it was a word. the problem is i've been through this range a couple of times and i must have just typed in the word and forgotten about it. i hate scrabble. -32.5
>David: CDFITTU F11 D.T. +14 197
#note probably TUFA L9
>Cesar: AAMNOOR E11 O.A +20 156
#note i really screwed this up, no more ramona.
>David: CFIITUY 15A CITIFY +63 260
>Cesar: AHMNNOR 11J OHM +30 186
>David: ELNOSUW -UW +0 260
#note probably UNWET at C11
>Cesar: ?ALNNRU C8 UNLeARN. +66 252
>David: EHILNOS 9H .HO +19 279
>Cesar: AEMOSUW K5 WAMUS +27 279
#note dammit .. i forgot about AWMOUS. it sims best at D3. -5.5
>David: BEILNSY D2 BYLINES +79 358
>Cesar: DEELOOR 8A LO..E +15 294
#note i was totally not happy here and beating myself up for challenging victoria. i don't like blocking lanes with E5 DOLE but quackle likes the extra pts. -2.5
>David: EEGIKTX L4 KEX +42 400
>Cesar: BDDEOOR J3 ODOR +25 319
#note BLOODRED is a word??? that certainly gives me a better shot at a miracle. -27.5
>David: EGINQST 10G Q. +11 411
>Cesar: ABDEINP M3 BAD +26 345
#note -8.. UPEND is a lot better.
>David: EEGINST A4 STEE.ING +60 471
>Cesar: AEINPUW I2 ANEW +26 371
#note 4H WU(D) -20 (??)
>David: AGIJLOR 3B JO. +26 497
>Cesar: GIPU N2 PI +12 383
#note i... ran out of time and gave him an out. my state of mind during this game was the worst out of the 19 games i think.
>David: AGILR O3 GLAIR +13 510
>David: (GU) +6 516