Game Details
Player 1
#player1 TC_Houlgate-West TC Houlgate-West
#player2 Max_Dwyer Max Dwyer
>TC_Houlgate-West: AELX 8E AXEL +22 22
#note May 29, 2010, Campbell, CA, Round 1, Division 3
>Max_Dwyer: AEGIOST H8 .ATIGOES +83 83
>TC_Houlgate-West: EY G8 .YE +21 43
#note TC miscounted this play for 25.
>Max_Dwyer: BFFU F10 BUFF +29 112
>TC_Houlgate-West: LNOY 14C ONLY +39 82
>Max_Dwyer: INZ 15A ZIN +38 150
>TC_Houlgate-West: IQ 13B QI +28 110
>Max_Dwyer: HOW I13 WHO +29 179
>TC_Houlgate-West: AEGL J10 GALE +15 125
>Max_Dwyer: ?ANRSTT I2 RATTeNS +70 249
>TC_Houlgate-West: AJP - +0 125
#note TC challenged RATTeNS unsuccessfully.
>Max_Dwyer: ?EEHIRT 15G I..THEREs +86 335
>TC_Houlgate-West: AJP - +0 125
#note TC challenged ISOTHEREs unsuccessfully.
>Max_Dwyer: DEOU 5G OU.ED +12 347
>TC_Houlgate-West: AJP L12 JAP. +26 151
>Max_Dwyer: EEEINR K2 NEE.IER +8 355
>TC_Houlgate-West: CDEO M11 CODE. +35 186
>Max_Dwyer: AKU O12 AUK. +8 363
>TC_Houlgate-West: DINW 6E DWIN. +20 206
>Max_Dwyer: ABM H1 BAM +27 390
>TC_Houlgate-West: GIV 9C VIG +14 220
>Max_Dwyer: AILV 8K .IVAL +27 417
>TC_Houlgate-West: COPU 4D COUP +21 241
>Max_Dwyer: AORS 7C SORA +24 441
>TC_Houlgate-West: DEMR L1 DERM +30 271
>TC_Houlgate-West: STT (INORSTT) +14 285
#note Players agreed to an official score of 456-283.
Player 2
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