Player 1 |
#player1 trashman trashman
#player2 bricap bricap
>trashman: ?AFOPVX H7 VOX +26 26
#note Arden Cup, Round 15, May '10.
>bricap: EILNV G8 LEVIN +21 21
>trashman: ?ADEFPT H11 DEFAT +36 62
#note FATED for 2 more. I make several such errors this game, which won't usually cut it against Brian, but bagging him helps a bit...
>bricap: ENNORU 13H .ENURON +22 43
>trashman: ??ADKPS O7 KiDnAPS +106 168
#note Once again, I miss the best options, which score 6 more. What did I miss?
>bricap: BEIUY 15D UBIE.Y +12 55
#note I missed PADAUKS/PADOUKS...
>trashman: AEHIIRY L10 HAI.Y +22 190
>bricap: ETT M9 TET +11 66
#note Blocks my bingo spot
>trashman: ABDEIRU C10 BURIED +31 221
>bricap: AEIPRST K5 TRAIPSE +98 164
#note I knew my lead wouldn't be safe...
>trashman: AAEMNRW D9 WAME +30 251
#note Missed the sweet N8 MAW for 41
>bricap: EHIIRST 5G THIR.IES +61 225
>trashman: AEGLNQR L4 Q. +22 273
#note Um, F14
>bricap: AGIL H1 LAIG. +33 258
>trashman: ACEGLNR 3C CLEAR.NG +76 349
#note Sacrificed 4 points for E4 GLANCER/CLANGER and RELACING in same spot for supposed defense, but regretted it given the hot spot this set up...
>bricap: OZ 2F ZO. +65 323
#note I don't deserve to win this one...
>trashman: ACEGINN 1G C.EANING +67 416
#note ...but looks like I'll luckbox into it...
>bricap: LOSW O1 SLOW +69 392
#note Given the score and my comeback play, I never consider challenging, nor does it occur to me that the hook is phony. CLEANINGS*. Go figure. I'm pretty sure Brian knew it wasn't good, but had no other winning option...
>trashman: AFJOORT D1 JO.T +38 454
>bricap: DEMOOU B11 MOOD +32 424
>trashman: AFOR 6F FA +15 469
#note I was 99% sure of FORA/FARO, but the only way to lose this one is to phony, so I make the safe play for the win. This win broke an 8-game losing streak, and salvaged an otherwise nightmarish tourney...
>bricap: EU C3 .UE +7 431
#note J1 AUGER for 1 more...
>bricap: (OR) +4 435